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Consider the following combinations for Succubus. One of the base personas for Succubus SHOULD HAVE Mabufudyne. Empress + Chariot\ Death Emperor + Justice Hanged Man + Death Lovers + Death Magician + Chariot\ Hanged Man Strength + Tower Temperance + Devil
Next: Have a party member or two take care of the support/ healing. When I battled the Reaper, my preferred party was Yukari, Mitsuru and Aigis. Yukari is essential for healing/ reviving allies while Aigis party affecting support skills on Heal/Support mode helps a lot in keeping the party afloat. You can replace Mitsuru with any strong attacker you may have. For the offensive, use MEGIDOLAON. This enemy has very strong damage resistance and good evasion rate. Megido skills are almost always accurate (96-99%) and has no attribute (sure to pierce through any resistance) so this is your attack skill of choice. Death is dangerous for having high level attacks, damaging spells and instant death attacks. As long as you have a good supply of Homunculus, you will be safe from these kinds of attacks Dont hesitate to use your rare consumables such as Balms of Life, Soma, etc. You wont need them in your last battles since you could be strong as hell that you would laugh out at Nyx.
Antique Shop Goggled-eye Doll Kaleidoscope Japanese Doll Teddy Bear (You need to trade the gems dropped by shadows) School Shop Book Cover Rafflesia (Port Island Flower Shop) Glass Vase Mini Cactus Red Pine Bonsai Rose Bouquet Shrine Lucky Charm - get the luckiest fortune in the shrine, can be picked up by Koromaru when you take him for a walk. Jack Frost Doll - Can be won from the Crane Game outside Game Panic, Paulownia Mall or during the Summer Festival Tanakas Home Shopping TV Show (See Note) Brand Watch (available on 9/6) Brand Purse (available on 6/14, 7/26) Brand Bag (available on 10/25, 12/6) Perfume (available on 6/7, 6/14) Note: These are only available on those specified dates. If you are planning to get all of them, you need to avoid going out on those dates.
In addition your stamina will never drop below good. If you get tired you may lose your Great status but you will never get Tired or Sick.
Brand Watch Brand Bag Book Cover Favorite: Rose Bouquet Mini Cactus Glass Vase Perfume Brand Purse Teddy Bear Japanese Doll Kaleidoscope Jack Frost Doll Ganesha Bank
Most favored gifts: Glass Vase Brand Bag Good Gifts: Red Pine Bonsai Mini Cactus Brand Purse Brand Watch Teddy Bear Japanese Doll Kaleidoscope Book Cover Ganesha Bank
Japanese Doll Goggle-eyed Doll Good gifts: Red Pine Bonsai Perfume Brand Purse Brand Watch Brand Bag Teddy Bear Kaleidoscope Book Cover Lucky Charm
Perfume Rose Brand Purse Brand Watch Brand Bag Good gifts: Rose Bouquet Glass Vase Teddy Bear
Brand Purse Brand Watch Brand Bag Good gifts: Mini Cactus Teddy Bear Kaleidoscope Lucky Charm
2. When the girls decide to check the other side, slowly looped around the bottom of the rock and hide on the west side, again close to the rock, just behind Mitsuru. Wait until the girls found nothing again. 3. When the girls decide split up, slowly walk to the center gap, interact with it and select hide. Wait patiently until they decide to stop looking. Unfortunately, you don't get anything for your efforts, but the following scenes are more amusing then the alternative with Mitsuru joking that Fuuka's detection is worthless without her clothes and Aigis muses about the difference in human bodies.
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