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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 on PlayStation 2

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Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Cheats

Hogan rebellion - 1156

Used to make tofu - Magnesium chloride

Pseudo Anglicism - Mansion

Women Wore white makeup - to stand out

Non Arabic originated word - Latte | Submitted by GameGhost

- 1+1 = 2

- Teacher asks about favorite author and the author's story (Fuyuhiko Yushimura wrote Mongekyo)

- Difference between neolithic and paleolithic era's- how Tool's were made

- Charm increases

- Most spoken language - chinese

- (grammer) I like these fruits (colon) Apples, oranges, and grapes

- Lenses work in according to the laws set by Leonardo Da Vinci

- Soap is Basic

- Einstein - General Relativity Theory

- Ise Monogatori the origin

- Mr. Edogawa- what formed th origins of magic - Shamanish

- 2000 yen bill Murasaki Shikibu

- (pronunciation)-Ono-ma-to-peia

- Foreigners Scared by Hairdos (topnots)

- Mystical studies of Jewish texts Kabbalah

Pseudo Anglicism in Japanese - Mansion

Madam Blavotsky - Founded Theosophy

Coffee - Arabic

Salt outside bars and restaurants was used - to bring in business

Ancient Indian magical text is - The Upanishads

6 divided by 0 - indeterminate

Himiko - used Kido Sorcery

Women painted faces white - to stand out | Submitted by GameGhost

6th- "calm down" "Itll take more than that"

7th- "Cmom Im sure we can find her" "maybe the takoyaki stand"

9th-"Were friends forever"

10th- "I bet you will" "Sure Thing" (Marriage proposal!) gives bead ring.

I forget which- "Thats terrible" "Thats not true"

I forget- "Hamburger" "You did good" "I can't im sorry" | Submitted by GameGhost

Eventually Mitsuru will ask you if you have joined any clubs and then she will suggest you join the student council. There you will meet two new social links Justice and Emperor. The Emperor arcana is gotten by becoming friends with the student council president. He is a jerk but you have to agree with him in order to strengthen this link. Keep showing up to the student council to increase the link. At one point you will see him interrogating some kid who is about to slug him, intervene and your link will go up. | Submitted by GameGhost

To immediately get an enemy to turn its back on you, enter the menu, then exit out. The enemy will begin moving in a new direction. Repeat this until it has turned away.

Successfully complete and save the game. Load the cleared saved game to start with your previous money, items, level, and money.

In your room on your days off like sundays or holidays you can play an online game. There you meet someone named Mayu. I did not record all the conversations with her but I did get some of the correct responses to her comments and questions.

"are you talking to yourself?"
"what are you talking about?"
"um... What?"
9th contact
"no way!"
"I Think so"
"what are you planning?"
10th and final
"about what?"
"is that why your sorry?"
"I'll miss you"

After you maximize the link she gives you the special item ScreenShot Data and you are able to create the persona Arahabaki.

Eventually you will hear about a bookstore opening up at the mall (station mall) called the Bookworm. There it is run by an old couple, before you visit the store I suggest you go to the persimmons tree located at the school (at the entrance go to the right hallway and enter the doorway right next to the staircase, the tree is through there). At the tree you will find a leaf and you will need to take it to the old couple. You will hear them talking about it and you will give it to them, they will be so touched you will gain a social link with them. | Submitted by GameGhost

On the night before a Full Moon your status will be set to Good no matter what it might have been before. If you are sick you will be made ready again.

In addition your stamina will never drop below good. If you get tired you may lose your Great status but you will never get Tired or Sick.

Intelligence is not only achieved by staying up late studying in the game or going to the library. One easy trick to get some intelligence is after school when you are picking out someone to hang out with you first go straight to the shrine in the town map, then go to the fortune drawing thing that cost 100 yen, do it. Normally you get a good luck talisman that gives you 1000 yen (this is just normally, sometimes you get great luck and get 10,000 and sometimes you lose 1000 yen). Then go right next to the fortune dispenser to the alter, it will ask if you want to donate some money, donate 1000 yen and your intelligence will increase. All in all you will only lose 100 yen on average, but it is a small cost to pay considering you will make even more at Tartarus. Then You can go and pick someone out to hang out with. | Submitted by GameGhost

This social link can only be reached if you do not kill Ryoji. Only if you choose to defeat Nyx can you get this. This is probably one of the easiest links to rank up because you don't have to respond correctly to anything, all you have to do is keep going up the staircases, and beat monsters until you get to the top. I suggest you do this before the end of the month so you can get the ultimate Judgement persona Messiah. | Submitted by GameGhost

-"Toughen up man!" "restaurant"

-"Im tougher than I look"

-"Its all up to you"

-"Lie" (when given the choice of restaurant)

-(when coach calls you into office) "How is your knee" "you need to toughen up"

-(last one) "right now" recieve sports tape "what about your promise" | Submitted by GameGhost

If you take Kendo as your sports activity then take the special training when it is offered to you. You will impress your opponent at the regionals and he will offer to be your friend. | Submitted by GameGhost

Here's a great way to level-up once you've already beaten the game. Head back to Tarturus, where you can find a door called Monad. The monsters in Monad are stronger than most other monsters in the game, but your main character should be able to take them out pretty easily. Spending time there can level-up your weaker characters in only an hour or two.

2nd- "tale a break" "Hang in there" "what are you talking about"

3rd- "Uh thats ok"

4th- "Dad" "with a friend"

10th- "awesome" get reserve tag | Submitted by GameGhost

At the mall some chubby kid (that is what his title is in the game) is eating a sandwich and he will not be torn away from it unless your charm is at least at lvl 2. He will ask you if you want to be friends but get this, even if you say yes you must pass his gourmet test. the answers are #1 Pheromone Coffee, #2 Green, #3 Hakagaru Bowl. If you mix up and get one wrong don't worry you can go back the next day and start off from the answer you got wrong. Once you past the test he will demand from you something he never tried before. Give him an Old Morsel, he will eat it and critisize it but he will become your friend none the less. Then you get the Moon Arcana social link. | Submitted by GameGhost

Finish the game one time.

Anytime in Tartarus, warp back to the first floor. Your party's HP and SP will be completely restored. Note: If a party member is "tired", they will go back to the dorm and you will not be able to use them until the following night.

Reach Tartarus at the 254th floor to access.

There is a monk that hangs out on the second floor of Club Escapade at the mall at night. He is a relatively easy social link to build up because he is the only link character hanging out at night. But he can only be reached after you get the strength arcana social link up to level four. When you first see him he won't speak unless you get him a drink, go down to the bartender downstairs and give him the monk's drink order, but before he can do that he demands you get everyone else's order (bloody mary, margarita, screwdriver, and oolong tea). After you give the monk his drink the Tower arcana will appear. I suggest saving before going out to see him so that you can get the correct responses to his questions when you want to build up the social link. | Submitted by GameGhost

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