Pause game play, then press Up(2), Right, Down, Left, Right(2), Circle, Square.
Press Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, Square, Circle at the "Join Team" screen.
Press Up, Down, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up(2), Down, Left, Right, Left, Down(2), Up, Left(2), Right(2), Square(2), Left,
Down(2), Up, Circle at the credits screen to unlock all FMV sequences, teams, grounds, and special features.
Press Left, Right(3), Down, Up, Down, Circle, Square at the "Join Team" screen.
Pause game play, then press Circle(2), Down(2), Square(2), Up, Left, Down, Right.
Win the NRL Season (Any difficulty).
Unlock International Teams and Competitions
Win either the State of Origin or World Club Competition.
Unlock League God Difficulty Level
Win any competition/season on Legend.
Win any competition/season on League God Mode.
Win the NRL Season (Any difficulty).
Unlock World Club Competition
Win the ESL Season (Any difficulty).
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