When you are battling ace hardlight,press start on your controller. Then equip the mine launcher with the time bomb mod.then go back to the game and select the mine launcher. Now watch ace suffer. Now you'll never need to geuss which ace is which when he does the thing with all of those aces because he has the bomb on him.but you still have to kill the
other holograms before you go on.after that you can celibrate.bye.just like i said in my other tip,please don't make fun of my name.it hurts my feelings and you know how that feels. |
Submitted by AliThis is a good cheat for if you are just starting and is preferred to be used in co-op mode. On the first mission of Sarathos, the leviathan planet, when you start hacking two orbs small swarmers will start popping out of the ground. They will keep coming until both orbs are hacked. You can quickly gain experience and bolts by hacking just one orb and going in a frenzy. This is not a good idea in single player because the swarmers will eventually overwelm you. |
Submitted by MegaMaster"The Muscle": Collect 25 Glamour Stars
Avenger: Win the Avenger Tournament
Crusader: Win the Crusader Tournament
Kid Nova: Collect 45 Glamour Stars
King Claude: Collect 30 Glamour Stars
LandShark: Collect 35 Glamour Stars
Liberator: Win the Liberator Tournament
Squidzor: Collect 40 Glamour Stars
Starshield: Collect 60 Glamour Stars
Venus: Collect 75 Glamour Stars
Vernon: Collect 30 Glamour Stars
Vindicator: Win the Vindicator Tournament
W3RM: Collect 55 Glamour Stars
Burning and freezing your enemies
To burn and freeze your enemies at the same time buy the second wrench upgrade and get 65 skill points to unlock the Super Morphing freeze wrench cheat. Turn it on and then when you hit an enemy with your wrench they burn on the outside, but freeze on the inside and shatter into little pieces when they die. |
Submitted by TimmyTo easily complete the Endzone dread challenge equip the shock mod to the Dual Vipers or Dual Rapters. Stand at where your enemies appear and shoot once or twice and the hole line of enemies will die. |
Submitted by TimmyCooperative Play Strategies
When in co-op play, and your about to just a small ledge, let player 2 or player 1 jump up and put the shield projector on the player on the ledge. Let the player with the shield around them tear the enemies up, then continue on. When you both have low health, hide somewhere, then let one player die. You do not die. 1 must stay alive.
Then when 1 player is dead, he hides, then the other one that hasnt died yet goes out and gets their head blown off. then you both have full health.tadaaa.note: if you both die, game over. |
Submitted by DeadlockedMasterEquip the shock mod and the XP mod to the Arbiter and do the first two rounds of Swarmer Suprise. After you do the first two rounds jump in the lava and do it again. |
Submitted by TimmyOnce you have the Dual Vipers upgraded to Dual Raptors, equip Jackpot mod (two if you have them) and Shock mod. Go to the Endzone Challenge in the Battledome. Use the Raptors repeatedly. This is a good place to train any weapon.
If you are doing the challenge with Dual Raptors, you should get a large amount of bolts quickly (about 6 million per play).
Use the Magma or Vulcan Cannon and equip the Jackpot mods (as many as possible). Do the Endzone Challenge. Stand a good but close distance from the starting line and repeatedly fire. It is possible to get close to 3 million bolts.
Once you beat the game, a box will pop up asking if you want to play the game over. Choose yes and in this mode you have a bolt multiplier. |
Submitted by CheatmasterIn Endzone challenge, on challenge mode, equip Exp mods on any Mega weapon and it will grow at a very fast rate. You may need to repeat this a few times, but it is worth it.
This is a tough one, but if done correctly, your mouth will hit the floor. In multiplayer mode, select the landstalker.(note,it is only available in certain levels).Get in it, and locate a place with a level surface.Then you will hold down both L2 and R2, and tap the X button at the same time. The vehicle should jump up into the air only once, and then it should crouch down. keep holding down the L2 and R2 buttons, but keep tapping X with a normal beat. Wait until the vehicle crouches down to the ground, then immediately tap the triangle button. If performed correctly, the vehicle, still on the ground, should rise up. The very millisecond all four legs are off the ground, tap the triangle button, and you will jump 50+ feet off the ground. |
Submitted by firefox186When you get the Vulcan Cannon equip two jackpot mods and the freeze mod. The Vulcan Cannon can hit all the enemies and it freezes the larger ones. occasionally move close enough to grab ammunition and you will be okay. This can result in over 15,000,000 bolts! |
Submitted by MegaMasterSuccessfully complete the game.
Successfully complete the indicated task to get the corresponding Exterminator card:
Ace Hardlight: Get 4,000,000 Dread points.
Eviserator: Get over 100 Max Nanotech.
Shellshock: Get all weapons and Omega mods.
Reactor: Buy all the Mega weapon versions, including the Harbringer.
Vox's pet: Successfully complete all missions on the highest difficulty setting.
Vox: Get all skill points.
If you have beaten the game already, you should buy a lot of jackpot mods and attach them to your weapons. Then do the mission "Endzone" over and over. You will get about 2-3 million bolts each time. |
Submitted by CheatmasterTo get more skill points put the shock mod on the dual viper guns and you will earn more skillpoints and bolts. |
Submitted by masterofcheatsCollect all Exterminator cards to unlock Ninja Ratchet.
Play as Mr. Sunshine in Multiplayer mode
Select "Edit Profile", then hold L2 and press Left, Down, Right, Left, Down, Up, Up, Left to unlock Mr. Sunshine in Multiplayer mode.
Play as Vernon in Multiplayer mode
Select "Edit Profile", then hold L2 and press Left, Right, Down, Left, Down, Up, Right, Up to unlock Vernon in Multiplayer mode.
To get a quick v99 Supernova, the upgrade of the Harbinger, go to the Valix Belt and go through it with that. NOTE! YOU HAVE TO BE IN CHALLENGE MODE TO DO THIS! |
Submitted by JimmyIf you have gotten the Ravager weapon for your battle bots, DO NOT use it on the Endzone challenge. The small Swarmers that are hit will become invincible and sit in the goal zone until they deplete your time. No weapon will hurt them! Not even the wrench. |
Submitted by MegaMasterColor Blind: 120 Skill Points
Exterminator Bot Heads: 20 skill points
Gangsta Guns: 10 skill points
HUD Color: 5 skill points
Kill Quark!: 105 skill points
Mirrored World: 15 Skill Points
Remove Helmet: 15 skill points
Super Bloom: 25 skill points
Super Morphing Freeze Wrench: 35 skill points
Weather: 60 skill points
Swinging Mega Laviathan Flail
If you are in the middle of a challange then just save it and go to quit in options in the start menu.when it asks you quit to title screen select yes.make sure it is mega or it could be not mega for the peaple that are still beginers.as soon as you get to the title screen select multiplayer and then click edit profiles.then select create new profile.when you've created your profile you can select a skin for your player.i chose battle bot because it was interesting.anyway,as soon you create your profile you decide how much players there are.the maximum number of players is 4.then you choose where you want to go.you chose.not player 2 3 or 4.once you get there you have to collect the weapons if you choose to when you made your profile.you can also choose unlimetid amo when you made your profile aswell.anyway,as soon as you find the laviathan flail hold R1.Thats how you get spin-o-rama using the laviathan flail.trust me,i have every weapon at level 99 accept the harbinger and the hoodsheild launcher.P.S.every time you do it,it feels pretty fun.good luck everybody that reads this tip.thank you.P.S.please don't make fun of my name because it hurts my feelings.please don't make fun of my name.i did this in the middle of the night.i'm so tired.okay,bye for now.tootles.i'm a boy okay.i'm not a girl. |
Submitted by AliWhen your opponent shoot's you down in a ship make sure you jump out once your oponent jumps out to shoot him and he will die before you and you will still get the point. |
Submitted by masterofcheatsIf you have Jak X, if you scan for secret characters in the secrets shop, if you have dreadlocked data on your memorycard, you will unlock ratchet as a racer, and on dreadocked, you will unlock jak as a skin for 50 stars. |
Submitted by jakUpgrading Maximum Nanotech
Go to the endzone challenge in the battledome when you are Crusader or above. I HIGHLY reccomend that you have at least 2 experiance mods on your alpha mod for the following weapons:
Harbringer/R.Y.N.O 4
Magma Cannon/Vulcan Cannon
Quasar Turret Launcher
Duel Raptors/Dual Vipers
The Sniper Rifle (forgot its name)
Now go fight in ENDZONE and you'll get money and exp like crazy.If your weapons are v80-v99, you should get at LEAST 2 nanotech levels. For the lower nanotech levels, its 5-6 i think.
Good luck |
Submitted by DeadlockedMasterIf you have low power weapons and wish to put some real firepower into them, go to Sarathos Swamp and do the ''where the laviathans roam'' challenge. Kill laviathans like crazy and your weapon should upgrade. When you get v10 of every weapon, get some bolts, (possible from endzone challenge in the battledome), and buy every mega weapon available in the dreadzone vendor. Then go back to Sarathos and start ripping 'em up again.
This might take some time, buts its the quickest way that i got to every weapon v99.You must be asking, ''what about the holoshield launcher? it stinks at sarathos!''. Well, i'd go to orzon and do the maze. You will find, eventually, and landstalker prauling around with its machine gun shooting at you. Get in the corner in between both doors and shoot out 4 holoshields. right beside each other. The landstalker will shoot the shields like crazy, giving you very quick exp.
ok, now go to sarathose and start off. Good luck! |
Submitted by DeadlockedMasterMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements