Defeat Mutated Kenny ( 2 Players )
Best done on 2 player. Get 1 player to run around distracting Kenny as the other shoots kenny.
When Kenny is Knocked out, run over to the levers to the right of him and pull them down.
Repeat this prosess again, ( one lever box aint open kenny will open it eventually ) as soon as hes Knocked out, run over and pull those levers down.
Knock him out again, Pick the lock on the last box, and pull those levers down on the next given opportunity.
Now Shannon has to breath on the last and final box, she can do this as Stan is running around distracting.
Congratulations after pulling the leaver down game completed. |
Submitted by DazzaDelta Beta frat house code
The code to unlock the door at the top of the stairs in the Delta Beta frat house is "PICASSO".
Hacking the computer for dynamite ingredients
Use the code "EINSTEIN" to hack into the computer and get the ingredients for dynamite. Note: When you break the soda machine in the basement (first level) of the hospital, keep the soda. It is the last ingredient you will need.
Hacking the door outside of the Delta-Theta-Gamma Party
Use the code "MOZART" to get in while playing as Mei. This will be the first door you discover. To find it, have Mei search with the decryption device.
Hacking the door to get to Jun
Use the code "FREUD" to open the door and get to Jun. This will be the second door you discover.
The code to the safe is "1873". You can find it on the desk in the room you enter from the window. Examine it closely with the woman.
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