Chapter Nine Easy Boss Kill
Okay first make sure Naruto is good. First lock onto one of the bee's. Jump and use Rasengan (while in the air.) Once they are down use Shadow Clone or charged up Rasengan. If they start spinning around move away. If you can't attack them with air Rasengan the fight on higher ground using Gaara's projectile sand thingys, once down keep using Sand Wall. Huge damage done. |
Submitted by bcuchihaOkay for those of you who are really pissed of about the puppet master, or whatever his name was. All you have to do is first get alot of gold bars and selling them which will give you money. Then buy alot of Ration a(or x) then buy lots of medicine a, or x and lots of revive a or x. Then run around with Neji and use your triangle attack which has more hits and is faster. Then once all orbs are knocked down use Naruto (if he's good ) and keep using shadow clone. Then use the charged up Rasengan (ultimate) Keep reviving with revival a/x. If out of chakra then use rations a/x if you are low on health then use medicine a/x. |
Submitted by BC_uchihaWhen you face naruto in chapter 9. Use kakashi and just keep punching him (keep hitting square) and it helps a lot. It ended the battle fairly quick for me getting 75 hits at a time before naruto fell. |
Submitted by mikeSuccessfully complete all missions, including the 'S' rank ones.
Successfully complete Chapter 6.
Successfully complete Chapter 9.
Successfully complete the Kakashi Gaiden story to unlock Hoshigake Kisame in Two Player Vs. mode.
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Successfully complete Chapter 8
Successfully complete Chapter 3.
Successfully complete Chapter 5.
Successfully complete Chapter 1.
Successfully complete Story mode two times.
Successfully complete Chapter 4.
Successfully complete the Kakashi Gaiden story to unlock Uchiha Itachi in Two Player Vs. mode.
Successfully complete the game.
Quickly rotate the Right Analog-stick in a circle during the loading screens. If done enough times, a blue Chakara Ball will appear and refill a small amount of your Chakra. This only happens with loading screens that have the Konoha icon in the bottom right corner.
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