Aisha and Martin DaCosta as partner
Get Andrew Bartfeld to partner level 5.
Andrew Bartfeld with scar as partner
Get Andrew Bartfeld to partner level 10.
Andrew Bartfield's mission mode
Successfully complete Mikhail's mission mode.
Successfully complete Andrew's story mode.
Cagalli Yula Atha's mission mode
Successfully complete story mode.
Cagalli's partner alternate costumes
Get Cagalli to partner level 5 (dress) and partner level 10 (commander uniform).
Character voices and tracks
You will need the following characters at level 15 to unlock all the voices and tracks in the sound test menu: Kira, Lacus, Athrun, Cagalli, Fllay, Murrue, Yzak, Miguel, Diarkka Helsman, Raw Le Kluze, and Miriallia.
Successfully complete Orga's mission mode.
Successfully complete story mode.
Ed the Ripper's mission mode
Successfully complete story mode.
Get Gai MuraKumo to partner level 5.
Flay Alster's alternate costumes
Get Flay Alster to partner level 5 (Federation clothes) and partner level 10 (Zaft clothes).
Gai Murakumo as a partner
Get an "S" rank in Phase-15 of Kira's story mode.
Gai Murakumo's mission mode
Successfully complete story mode.
Jane Houston's mission mode
Successfully complete Athrun's story mode.
Jean Carry's mission mode
Successfully complete Jane's mission mode.
Kira Yamato's alternate costumes
Get Kira Yamato to partner level 5 and partner level 10 (civilian clothes).
Kisato Yamabuki as a partner
Get Low Gear to partner level 5.
Lacus Klyne's alternate costumes
Get Lacus Klyne to partner level 5 (dress) and partner level 10 (commander uniform).
Successfully complete story mode.
Miguel Ayman as pilot and partner
Get Asuran Zara to partner level 5.
Mikhail Coast's mission mode
Successfully complete Morgan's mission mode.
In order to unlock most Suits, you must have the following characters at level 10 or higher: Kira, Lacus, Cagalli, Athrun, Dearka, Yzak, Lowe, Gai, Mwu, Aisha, Andrew, and Shiaso. Some suits are unlocked by completing any survival mode
using the following units: Bacue, Ginn, Strike Rouge, Duel, and Goohn.
To unlock Mobile Armor Mebius with Nuclear Missile, play with Mobile Armor Mebius.
Astray Blue Frame: Get Gai MuraKumo to partner level 10.
Astray Gold Frame Amatsu: Play with Londo piloting Blue Frame or Hyperion
Gundam or get Elija to partner level 10.
Astray Red Frame FU: Unlock all nine Special Sound Sets.
Astray Red Frame: Get Low Gear to partner level 10.
Baku with Missile Pod: Play with Baku.
Barrel Dager: Get Mwu La Flaga to partner level 10.
Duel Gundam Assault Shroud: Play with Ysak piloting Duel Gundam.
Gundam Strike Rouge IWSP pack: Play with Cagalli piloting Strike Rouge.
Jinn Communication version ZGMF-LRR704B: Play with Jinn.
Jinn Prototype: Unlock every Mobile Suits in the shop menu.
Jinn Blue Gai Murakumo version: Accumulate 12 000 SP.
Raider blue version: Have Orga, Croto and Shani with a total of 20 levels.
Information in this section was contributed by Pali.
Rider Gundam Blue version: Get Shanny at partner level 5, Olga at partner level
5, and Croto at partner level 10.
Sawat: Get Aisha to partner level 10.
Zono: Play with Goon.
Successfully complete story mode.
Mwu La Fllaga's mission mode
Successfully complete story mode.
Successfully complete story mode.
Successfully complete Shani's mission mode.
Rau Le Creuest's mission mode
Successfully complete Mu La Fllaga's story mode.
Rena Imelia's mission mode
Successfully complete Mikhail's mission mode.
Rondo Gina Shaku's mission mode
Successfully complete Lowe and Gai's mission mode.
Successfully complete Athrun's story mode.
Successfully complete available ZAFT Pilot's Mission mode.
Shio Hanenfus as pilot and partner
Get Yzak Jule to partner level 10.
Successfully complete Kira's or Athrun's story mode.
Successfully complete HP Survival mode. The easiest way to do this is to use Freedom and Lacus level 15 as a partner.
Yzak Jule alternate costume
Get Yzak Jule to partner level 5 (scarred version).
Successfully complete story mode.
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