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Say A Prayer: Hold L1 + Triangle Spike The Football: Hold L1 + X Hip Thrust: Hold L1 + Square Jump Spike: Hold L1 + Circle Shoulder Shake: Hold L1 + R1 Slam Dunk: Hold L1 + R2
Unlocked Team Code Giants Biggiants 49ers Goldniners Jets Greenjets Bears Brownbears Lions Silverlions Bills Bluebills Packers Yellowpacks Broncos Buckingbroncos Panthers Bigcats Chargers Bluechargerst Patriots Redpats Chiefs Redchiefs Raiders Silverraids Colts Whitecolts Rams Goldramst Cowboys Bluecowboys Redskins Redindianst Dolphins Aquafins Saints Marchingins Eagles Greeneagles Steelers Blacksteels Falcons Blackfalcons Vikings Conquerd
Unlocked Team Code 1957 49ers team Goldrush 1977 Raiders Theghosts 1957 Lions team Lionpower 1978 Dolphins Cannedtuna 1958 Colts team Stables 1978 Chargers team Roller 1958 Giants team Jollygreen 1978 Oilers team Earl 1960 Eagles Greenwingst 1978 Raiders team Holy 1962 Oilers team Therewasaman 1978 Steelers team Dynasty 1962 Texans team Getem 1979 Cowboys team Comeback 1966 Chiefs team Megiveyou 1979 Bucaneers Pirates 1966 Cowboys team Whoshotjr 1981 49ers team Thecatch 1966 Packers team Champs 1981 Bengals team Tigers 1967 Cowboys team Tundra 1981 Chargers team Ironman 1967 Packers team Snowplow 1981 Cowboys team Nochance 1967 Rams team Blitzer 1983 Raiders Homesick 1968 Colts team Shocker 1984 Dolphins team Dantheman 1968 Raiders team Heidi 1985 Bears team Upset 1968 Jets team Tvtimeout 1985 Falcons team Flyaway 1969 Chiefs team Nofluke 1985 Patriots team Blowout 1969 Vikings Allflukea 1986 Broncos team Thedrive 1970 Jets Damnyankeest 1988 Bengals Nohopea 1970 Browns team Mnf 1989 Broncos team Crushed 1970 Vikings Peopleeater 1990 Raiders Oneeyed 1971 Chiefs team Overtime 1990 Bills team Wideright 1971 Cowboys Starsa 1991 Falcons team Neonlights 1971 Dolphins Longestgame 1991 Lions Toomuch 1972 Raiders Sourd 1992 Cowboys Howboutem 1972 Colts team Airshow 1992 Bills team Comebackkid 1972 Dolphins team Perfect 1993 Bills team Notagain 1972 Steelers team Lucky 1994 49ers Bythebays 1973 Bengals Junglecats 1994 Broncos Oucha 1974 Dolphins Defenderst 1994 Chargers team Charge 1974 Raiders Struggles 1996 Packers team Almost 1974 Vikings Tarka 1996 Panthers team Defense 1974 Steelers team Steelcurtain 1998 49ers team Thecatchtwo 1975 Cowboys team Hailmary 1998 Packers team Noluck 1975 Vikings team Purple 1998 Vikings team Missedchance 1977 Colts Ghosttothepost 1999 Rams Nowhereman 1977 Cowboys Usateam 1999 Titans Miracleplays
Unlocked Team Code 1984 All-Madden team Madden84 1985 All Madden Team Mad1985 1986 All-Madden team 86madden 1987 All Madden Team 1987mad 1988 All-Madden team Madden88 1989 All Madden Team Mad1989 1990 All-Madden team 90madden 1991 All Madden Team 1991mad 1992 All-Madden team Madden92 1993 All Madden Team Mad1993 1994 All-Madden team 94madden 1995 All Madden Team 1995madn 1996 All-Madden team Madden96 1997 All Madden Team Mad1997 1998 All-Madden team 98madden 1999 All Madden Team 1999mad
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