At the main menu, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Triangle(2), Square to unlock all wrestlers. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeFinish career mode with a wrestler in the "Hated" category.
Beat career mode using Tony Funk
Beat career mode using a Loved wrestler
Use career mode to finish the Southeast territory
Beat tag tournament
Beat tag tournament
Beat career mode with Kevin Von Erich
Press the taunt button rapidly during a match (this will leave you open to attack). Your meter will fill to its full level.
Win the versus tournament.
Win the Tag Belts in tournament mode.
When creating a wrestler, you can make people such as Ric Flair, Hall, Nash and others and the announcer will actually say their names. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeFinish career mode as The Sheik.
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