On the level Bad Diplomacy Go up to the blue floor lasers and put on the q specs. You'll see a tiny door. Open it and use q laser on the wires to disable them. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeWhen you are playing, shoot any guard and then get a gun and shoot them in the head while they are dead. A little box will appear, walk over it and watch your life go straight up. Every time you need helth, keep doing it. |
Submitted by Stryker82Get ( SWEET ) car Lotus Espirit
Get 100000 points for level 7. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeIn Bad Diplomacy when you get outside to climb up the latter instead go out all the way to the rail and look up behind you you will see something like a speaker use your claw to get up there and you have a Bond move |
Submitted by RobertWolfeIn the First mission there is a locked armory to the left if you went in the front door, it contains grenades and a bazooka. To get the key card enter by using the claw on the vent outside, at the end of the catwalk you will drop down and see a guard facing away. Drop in, get right on top of him and hit him with your fist, he should go down in one or two hits and you will get the key card if you're close enough. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 70000 points for level 4. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 110000 points for level 9. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 120000 points for level 10. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 90000 points for level 5. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 90000 points for level 6. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet Golden Gun mode for (MP)
Get 50000 points and all 007 medallions for level 2. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet mp model - Alpine Guard
Get 100000 points and all gold medallions for level 7. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet MP model - carrier guard
Get 130000 points and all 007 medallions for level 12. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 90000 points and all 007 medallions for level 5. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet Mp model - poseidon guard
Get 130000 points and all 007 medallions for level 11. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet Mp model Stealth Bond
Get 70000 points and all gold medallions for level 3. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet MP power up - Gravity boots
Get 70000 points and all 007 medallions for level 4. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 100000 points and all 007 medallions for level 8. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 90000 points and all 007 medallions for level 6. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 100000 points for level 8. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 130000 points for level 11. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet 50000 points and all gold 007 medalions on first level. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeGet To Tunnel ( Mission 12 )
In the last level (12), from starting point, instead of going to activate both remote places to get into the tunnel, you can shoot out a window in the tunnel and jump in front of it, repeatidely pressing jump. If done properly, you can get into the tunnel without falling.
Note: It is very tricky to do, but it will work. |
Submitted by Stryker82Get unlimited ammo for golden gun
Get 130000 points on level 12. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeBeat level 2 with 50,000 or more points. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeOn the level Bad Diplomacy get to the second floor and go right when you get off the lift. Go to the very end point and you will find a door. When you try to open it you should find it's locked. Put on your Q-Specs. Now look left and you'll find a hidden door open it and inside is Armour and Ammo. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeInfinite missiles while in the car
Beat level 3 with 70,000 or more points. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeMp modifier - full arsenal
Get 110000 points and all 007 medallions in level 9. |
Submitted by RobertWolfePart of James Bond theme song
Go to Cold Reception and when you start you will see a piano on your right use action button on it and it will play part of the James Bond theme song. |
Submitted by 007fanFor unlimited health,at the main menu screen hold L1+R2 and press up, down, circle, circle, down, down, down, left, circle begin the game and once in a level press start then, hold down+L2+R1 and press circle, circle, R2, circle, L1, square, square, circle. Hopefully, you will have unlimited health in all levels! |
Submitted by elliotUnlimited Rocket Launchers
If done correctly it will give you unlimited rocket launchers for all levels. At the main menu screen, hold down all four top buttons,(L1, L2, R1, R2) and then press up, down, left, right, circle, circle, square. Then go into the level and press start then put in: circle, square, R1, square, up, circle, down, left. If completed correctly you will have unlimited rocket launchers. |
Submitted by Stryker82Various point multipliers
To get the most out of the points allocated at the end of the levels try usng these helpfull hints.
"The night of the jackal" - when the jacal is standing infront of the crane once she is nearly dead, go to the right hand side of the room and press the green flashing button this knocks her into the big vat of hot stuff and kills her without wasting ammo and health.
"Oilrig" - On this level after you have finished of the men next to the helipad go into the lab and use the "Q-Remote" on the flashing green computer, now you can control ANY crane on the level. the first crane, outside the lab will drop a crate containing grenades, the second and third crane, accessible through a secret vent , this is at the second meeting with the boss guy, go left and use the laser on the vent, crawl through and open the big shutter door, then us the remote on the cranes and jump across the boxes untill you reach the land, then you can pick off the enemies more easily and avoid that sniper ! this also improves your points at the end of the level
"The Night of the Jackal" - when trying to reach the apartment use the Q-Claw to reach up onto the snipers balcony pick up his gun and this provies something to snipe men with and gives you a bonus points at the end of the level. |
Submitted by RobertWolfeMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements