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*I think the best place to fish is the Turtle Swamp, then the river top, bottom,middle(in order of best spots) and then the spring. *When fishing, if it has been ages since you have thrown in the line that means you probably are going to get a big or huge fish. *If you are always missing that huge fish because you pulled the line in to fast try waiting 1 second after the bobber goes splish to pull in the line. That works for me! *On the day Van comes or leaves and/or when you get a new animal try not to go fishing right before that because those cutscenes make you take your fishing line out of the water. *Some fish will only bite when you have better fishing equiptment. When the game started hopefully you bought a fishing *rod* from Van. Later in the game if you are friends with Galen he will give you a fishing *pole*. Happy Cheating! | Submitted by BlackHeart
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