Defeat 1,000 enemies in any stage and difficult setting.
Now in a battle after that, you need to get 500 kills. You will be awarded the weapon after you beat the level.
Successfully complete the Dong Zhou in Luo Yang scenario.
All created officer attire
Complete the Yellow Turban campaign with a character made with edit mode. Use the novice difficulty setting to finish faster. For the best officer you can create, choose Zuo Ci's motion. He is the best officer in the game.
Battle Of Guan Du scenario
Successfully complete the A Divided Land scenario.
Customizable Options Menu
Beat Yellow Turban Campaign in Empire mode.
Dong Zhou In Luo Yang scenario
Successfully complete The Yellow Turban Rebellion scenario.
Extra Models (Unique Characters only)
Reach the maximum amount of Experience Points (60,000) with any unique character to unlock all of their models.
Flames Over Chi Bi scenario
Successfully complete the Battle Of Guan Du scenario.
Gaining momentum in battle
In order for you to gain momentum in battle, it is best to order your army to attack the nearest base, and then for you to go and take a base closer to the enemy camp. Now once your officers have taken over the bases, order them to go and defend the bases, while you go and wipe out the enemy officers.
Getting good assignment cards
In order to get good assignment cards you must be in the first place and good. For example, to get the special juggernaughts and sorcerers you muwt start empire mode under either the hard or chaos difficulty settings. Not a lot of good assignment cards will be unlocked under the novice or easy difficulty settings.
Getting good tactics cards
Juggernaut and Wood Ox can be obtained by putting Zhuge Liang and Yue Ying together in the same province.
Locked Attire Choices in Edit Mode
Beat Yellow Turban Campaign in Empire mode.
To get the Red Hare harness, you need money, the development assignment, and the production assignment. The cities are able to develop the Red Hare harness are Nanman (in the Gathering of Heroes campaign) and Luo Yang (in all other campaigns). You must use development (in the equipment category) on that city three times. After that, you must then use production on Luo Yang. This will produce one Red Hare harness. If you want another one, just use production on it again.
This requires a save in Empire Mode with edited characters and experience enabled.
1. Train your edited characters to whatever extent your wish in Empire Mode.
2. Delete the character(s) you want to be replaced and make your new character(s). Save your change when the game asking.
3. Clear Empire Mode with the save you trained your characters in and save.
All your edited characters will instantly reach whatever rank and stats the characters in your Empire Mode game have, even if the new characters are completely different.
To unlock Cloud Strife you must first unlock every other character. You must beat Musou mode with every character on hard mode. You must max out every stat on every character.You also need every 4th weapon in the game. Then with Fu Xi beat the last Musou mission in 7 minutes or less. Then Cloud will appear defeat him. He will then ask you to help him fight Sephiroth. DO NOT LET CLOUD DIE. He will join you and you pick if you want him on Shu, Wu, or Wei. He will be in every fight the leader is in and he will duel Sephiroth at the end all the time. His attacks are as followed.
Charge 1 - Blade beam
Charge 2 - Climmazard
Charge 3 - Braver
Charge 4 - Meteor Strike
Charge 5 - Huge Slash
Charge 6 - Finishing touch
Musou - Omnislash
True Musou - Knights of the Round Table
He has max stats and good reach, speed, musou charge and jump.
Use six items for officer
Defeat 1,000 enemies in any stage and difficult setting to unlock the possibility to use six items for that officer. For easier results, use two Extend Time strategy cards.
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