If you have an item that increases the EXP of a certain unit category (for example, Arbalest - Archery EXP +30), equip it on a person with the corresponding unit category. After doing so, choose a certain unit type with the higher EXP points. After you have selected one, you can unequip the item, and have the new class with your basic EXP.
If you hate having to go through the hassle of defeating the enemies listen up. Equipt a guy with taunt or pit. Use it on the flag holder and gang up on him. Also, try to get your flagholder's special. It will come in handy.
Instant Bow Riders (Cao Cao's Force Only)
How to get harness: you have to get to the chapter where you have to take over Cheng Du from that Basxxxx Sun Quan and that sissy pimp Liu Bei that thinks he's cool because he conned the great Guan Yu and the Beach Ball Zhang Fei to do blood brothers with him. Oath in the Garden my a$$. I had left Dynasty Tactics for three months so when I loaded my data, I saw I had "Harness". When you get the special item harness, it gives you +30 expierience and can turn any cavary or horsemen into bow riders. The trick is you equip the item, Deng Ai for example, his horsemen will be able to turn to Bow Riders. After you upgrade Deng Ai, un-equip the item. Then take Han Hao for exaple and repeat the steps. It works best when you can't get those frustrating 1-10 Exp. points to upgrade Xiahou Dun of Xiahou Yuan to Brigaders! Remember to un-equip "Harness" when your done.
Items Obtained By Generals
Lao Tzu- skill hero got by Yuan Shao
Blue dragon- skill might got by Guan Yu
Crescent- skill menace got by Lu Bu
Meng Da- skill overlord got by Cao Cao
On archery- skill archery got by Huang Zhong
Sun Blade- STR +10 got by Sun Quan/Ce
Note: To receive item you must have high combos of 3 or above.
When doing the campaign as Liu Bei, first you must defeat Coa Ren. Afterwards, Lu Bu offers a truce. DO NOT take it. Instead, defeat him swiftly in the four turns you have. When your battling him, use alot of tactical combos against his troops to capture him and use him in future fights against Cao Cao.
One of the obstacles in the game is having a strong force on one side of the map while needing that force on the other side. Since the distance per turn rules bar any army from getting across the map in one turn, this can lead to a second rate army having to fight a first rate army. If the two distant armies are connected by territory (linked to the capital), you can simply trade one army for another by using the following trick. Choose "Form" at one army and remove all the generals and strategist (swap the commander for a different one). Then, swap those free generals and the commander for the generals on the weaker army. Another benefit of this is that later in the game, when you want to expand, you can set up armies with only a commander (smaller armies allow for more armies), and send them out toward cities you want to take. If you think that you might have to fight a battle to take a city (if it is not empty), use the general swap trick for an instant army.
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