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A second appearance occurs on the WRO Causeway. At the top of the right hand tower from where you start the scene, look to the very top of the antenna. You'll see Cactuar at the top, doing that weird little Cactuar dance. Not sure what shooting him does, but there ya go! A third appearance in Chapter Ten (Shinra's Dark Secret). Towards the end after you get engulfed by Nero's Shadow, follow the staircase upwards a few flights. You will then come to a landing where two laser fences will block off your path forward and back. Walk forward some to fight four DG soldiers and a rigged vending machine. The next room is divided into four miniature rooms. The first is a causeway with several mines. Go through and arrive at a causeway with four hovermines and several boxes. The next place is a huge gaping hole where explosive barrels are being hurled through. Navigate this and come to a room with a broken causeway. A timer will appear. Ready your rifle and zoom in across the hall. The Cactuar is small, so center your scope in the middle of the adjacent door, at the bottom. When the timer reaches 0, a cactuar will make a two second appearance, and you have about that amount of time to shoot him.
The other great place to attempt Gil and experience farming is in the chapter entitled "Deepground Strikes Back". Before entering the HQ entrance, DG Soldiers will be stationed outside. They will respawn infinitely, making this area another place to earn seemingly infinite amounts of Gil and experience.
Bayonet Rifle Chapter 10: Later in the level, you'll come to a puzzle which involves cardkeys, it is next to a gatling gun behind a gate. Blow Machine Gun Chapter 10: You'll come to a split in the path, one of which goes under a bridge, the case in the open is it. Faerie L Barrel Chapter 10: After Blow Machine Gun you'll soon come to a place with a crate on a ledge, shoot the barrel under it. G Report 3 Chapter 11: Located in a room with several Mako Points in it, use the rising platform to jump onto a pipe running along the wall, it's in the corner. G-Report 1 Chapter 8: When a WRO is hacking a door, pprotect them untill they are finished. Go under the door, and continue on to find it atop a ladder. G-Report 2 Chapter 10: Found on the roof of a house which you drop down on, shortly after the midpoint of the stage Golden Moogle Doll Chapter 10: Complete the kill 100 enemies mission, the last enemy will drop it. Guard M Barrel Chapter 6: Protect all 12 WRO members the length of the mission, and it'll appear in a crate near the end of the level. Lucky S Barrel Chapter 10: In the area of the cardkey puzzle at the end of the long string of gates in the tunnel is the Lucky S Barrel. Manaheart Chapter 6 Ex Hard: Early in this stage a red duel horn beast will charge through the stage, kill it before it leaves the stage and it'll drop it. S Adjuster Chapter 9: The first string of guards, blow up the barrel on the very right and one of the guards will drop it. Toy Gun Chapter 3: After saving the kid, enter the door nearby and is against the inside wall.
You have to turn around and go through the door you just exited. You will see a lone item sitting under the staircase. Pick it up. It is called the "Toy Gun". Upgrade for 15,OOO gil to get the "Silver Toy Gun", and again for 35,OOO to get the "Golden Toy Gun". A final upgrade for 2OO,OOO gil will unlock the "Ultima Weapon". It basically kills anything in one hit.
Attack on Midgar Red Capsule in Mission 27: Vincent the Beast, H-5 Bosses Red Capsule in Mission 26: Cait Versus the Cerulean, H-5 Deepground Red Capsule in Mission 21: Cait Versus the Crimson, G-9 Deepground Soldiers Red Capsule in Mission 23: Rampart Rubble, M-11 Event-Related Red Capsule in Mission 12: Vincent the Destroyer, D-5 Final Chaotic Red Capsule in Mission 33: Shieldbreaker, G-12/H-12 Locations Red Capsule in Mission 9: Cait Versus the World, J-6 Mako Reactor 0 Red Capsule in Mission 32: Deepground Soldiers, K-6 Miscellaneous Red Capsule in Mission 31: Cait Versus the Bull, capsule located on Azul's Tail Monsters Red Capsule in Mission 13: Rains of Gehenna, J-13 Omega Red Capsule in Mission 43, K-8 Shinra Red Capsule in Mission 14: Vincent the Grappler, J-11 Shinra Building Red Capsule in Mission 16: Stygian Sewers, K-4 The WRO Red Capsule in Mission 3: Wastelings, B-9 Tsviets Red Capsule in Mission 40, M-10 Vincent Red Capsule in Mission 35: One-Handed, F-11 Weapons Red Capsule in Mission 8: Lord of the Jungle, J-7 WRO Headquarters Red Capsule in Mission 15: Red and Blue, G-12
An Invitation to Illusion White Capsule in Mission 45: Stronghold Impervious, H-8 Boxemon White Capsule in Mission 5: Deep Labyrinth, K-15 Chamber of Ghosts White Capsule in Mission 18: Badlands, F-8 Go With the Flow White Capsule in Mission 37: Gatling Shower, I-14 Missilebreaker Deathmatch White Capsule in Mission 24: Contra Kalm, J-13
Battlefields Green Capsule in Mission 4: Vincent the Mage, C-12 Bosses Green Capsule in Mission 29: Trick Arc, L-7 Events Green Capsule in Mission 7: Gatling in the Wastes, F-9 Omega Green Capsule in Mission 42: Two-Handed, K-6 Shinra Green Capsule in Mission 22: Shinra Manor Prime, H-15 The System Green Capsule in Mission 2: Widow Missileer, I-6 Tsviets Green Capsule in Mission 39: Brotherly Love, G-3 Vincent Green Capsule in Mission 34: Sprial, D-5 WRO Green Capsule in Mission 17: Red and Blue, G-15
Bosses Yellow Capsule in Mission 28: Cyclopean Causeway DC Presentation Trailer Yellow Capsule in Mission 10: Misslebreaker Melee, I-7 Deepground Yellow Capsule in Mission 30: 100,000 Needles, L-7 Jump Festa Trailer Yellow Capsule in Mission 13: Rains of Gehenna, J-4 Monster Yellow Capsule in Mission 11: Collector's Mind, D-5 Omega Yellow Capsule in Mission 44: Deepground, J-8 Others (Other Character) Yellow Capsule in Mission 10: Misslebreaker Melee, G-10 Retail Display Trailer Yellow Capsule in Mission 22: Shinra Manor Prime, I-7 Shinra Yellow Capsule in Mission 20: Deep Tower, K-8 The WRO Yellow Capsule in Mission 1: Zephyr Heathlands, G-11 Tokyo Game Show Trailer Yellow Capsule in Mission 3: Wastelings, B-9 Tsviets Yellow Capsule in Mission 41: Drumline, J-2 Vincent Yellow Capsule in Mission 36: Black Widow Tetra, I-5
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