Use the unlock everything cheat and choose the outfit that shows dante glowing purple.this means he has infinite devil trigger.then choose doppleganger style and plug in a second controller.while playing turn into doppleganger and press start on 2nd controller.doppleganger wastes all your DT but since you have inf.DT outfit you`ll be able to play 2 player anytime! |
Submitted by cheatdudeKill 100 enemies during the credits to get a different ending screen.
Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters. Beat the game on normal.
In the 3rd mission there is a jukebox in the bar. If you slash it with your sword you'll hear a remixed version of "Lock and Load" (a song from the original DMC) for a short period of time.
Die twice in normal mode.
Kill over 100 enemies during the ending credits and get a special screen and cutscene.
Hit L2 after firing a slow to reload weapon and flick it back to fire it again. It is slightly faster than waiting for the weapon to reload.
At the start menu hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 then rotate the Left Analog-stick. You will here a voice say "Devil May Cry and all modes, costumes, and galleries will be unlocked.
Hidden mission numbers in cutscenes
In each intro cutscene for each level, the game director included hidden "numbers" that correspond to the action mission level. The hidden numbers in the cutscenes for each level is listed:
Mission 1: The number "1" on the pizza box
Mission 2: The number "2" on the billboard at the end of the cutscene
Mission 3: The burning enemies form the number "3" at the end of the cutscene
Mission 4: The hanging banner/flag at the beginning of the cutscene is shaped as the number "4"
Mission 5: The blood on the wall at the end of the cutscene forms the number "5"
Mission 6: The explosion at the end of the cutscene leaves the number "6" on the ground
Mission 7: The blood stain on the wall reveals the number "7" at the end of the cutscene
Mission 8: The moon in the background has the number "8" engraved in it
Mission 9: The bullet at the end of the cutscene has "9mm" marked on it
Mission 10: The blood on the book at the end of the cutscene forms the number "10"
Mission 11: The blood on the ground marks the number "11"
Mission 12: At the end of the cutscene, the chain attached to the ceiling is holding the number "12"
Mission 13: At the end of the cutscene, the wall in the background has the number "13" engraved
Mission 14: The number "14" is on the side of the platform, in the pit
Mission 15: The branch at the end of the cutscene shapes the number "15"
Mission 16: The number "16" is lightly scratched on the ground. It's easier to see the number at the beginning of the mission
Mission 17: The top of the pillar at the end of the cutscene forms the number "17"
Mission 18: A paper containing the number "18" quickly flies by in the air
Mission 19: As the camera pans to Lady at the beginning of the cutscene, the number "19" is lightly marked on the ground
Mission 20: The number "20" is formed by the clouds in the background.
When your at the main screen hold down L1+L2+R1+R2 and rotate the left anolog stick. You should hear "Devil may cry." After once your at the last boss. Which should be virgil #3. Go onto mission selact and press L1 and R1 in until you see dante with all of his clothes on and a purple flame on him. Select him and pick the mission that vergil's on and your style quicksilver or whatever it's called. Equip agni+rudra and bolwulf or whatever that's called. Then when you fight him use your devil trigger(dt) and your dt will never go down. Also have at least 2 vital stars L your first time battling him and 1 your second time. So put on dt and have agni+rudra ready. Then use your ability to slow time and kick his but. Again your dt will never go down. When he uses his dt just attack until he jumps and then run. Just keep attacking him even when he's not in dt. If take's down your health then use you vital stars. Only when there's 2 bars or lower do you use one. Otherwise your wasting. You should destroy him. Dill man. |
Submitted by dillBeat Dante must die mode.
Beat Dante must die mode to unlock the Devil Trigger.
When loading, you can press either 'triangle' or 'square' button to slash or shoot respectively at the 'NOW LOADING' word.
A great place for orbs is the fifth secret mission found on stage 9. Go through the level untill you get to the area where you get the spiral. Go through the passageway underneath the waterfall and up through a small tunnel directly across from where you. The secret mission is marked by a few bright glowing crystals. Once inside you must destroy every breakable object within 40 seconds. The jukebox contains 500 red orbs, although there are many other things to smash as well. Since you can repeatedly pass/fail this mission and not encounter any enemies, you can repeat this process for lots of easy orbs.
In mission 18, you need to fight several bosses all over again. The different colored lights on each "Mega Man" boss platform corresponds to:
Blue - Geyron
Black - Doppelganger
Orange - Various demons
Light Blue - Cerberus
Gold - Gigapede
Green - Agni and Rudra
Red - Leviathan
Purple - Nevan
White - Beowulf
To get easy orbs very early in the game, enter Secret Mission 1 (by entering metal sliding door off to the right before you fight Cerberus). Re enter it as many times as desired. After completing it once, you will gain a huge Red Orb which is worth around 400 orbs.
Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters. Beat the game on easy.
Shirtless Devil May Cray 1 Dante
Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters. Beat the game on hard.
When using the doppelganger style, plug in a controller in port 2. Press start during gameplay to control your shadow with the 2nd controller.
Beat Hard Mode.
Unlock Doppleganger style
Defeat Shadow enemy at the end of mission 17.
Complete Easy or Normal.
Complete Hard.
Beat Normal Mode.
Beat Dante Must die.
Defeat Greyon at the end of mission 12.
Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters. Beat the game on hard.
Unlock the Legendary Dark Knight
Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters. Beat the game on hard.
Unlockable Costumes and Characters
At the mission select screen, press R1 or L1 to select a different outfit or character:
Super Dante - Complete Dante Must Die
Legendary Dark Knight - Clear Hard Mode
DMC1 Dante - Complete Normal
Coatless Dante - Complete either Easy or Normal
Coatless DMC1 Dante - Complete Hard
Unlocking All the Modes, Costumes, and Gallery
At the Start Menu, hold down L1, L2, R1, R2 and rotate the left analog stick until you hear Devil May Cry.
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