Successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting with at least a ''B'' rank to unlock the ''Theater'' option, ''Database'' option, and level 5 in training mode. Successfully complete the game with an ''A'' rank to view an alternate ending sequence and unlock level 6 in training mode.
Finish Stage 5 on Easy Mode.
Finish Stage 5 with a B or C Total Rank.
Finish Stage 6 with a B or C Total Rank.
Finish Stage 7 (if you finish with an "S Rank", you'll get an additional congratulatory message).
Final Boss battle in training mode
Defeat the final Boss during the normal game.
Successfully complete the game with an 'A' rank under the normal difficulty setting.
Use Controller 2 and enter UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3 at the main menu (the title screen) and get 30 Lives instead of three. You will need an Analog Controller for this code to be performed. |
Submitted by SyndishAt the main menu, press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, CIRCLE, SQUARE, SELECT. This will give you 99 credits with which to play a Two Player game. |
Submitted by SyndishHold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Start + Select during game play.
Level 5 in training mode:
Successfully complete level five during the game under the normal difficulty setting.
Level 6 in training mode:
Successfully complete level 6 during the normal game.
Level 7 in training mode:
Successfully complete level 7 during the normal game.
To unlock the following features, you will need to beat the game in these according ranks:
Gallery - "A".
Database - "B".
Theater - "B".
The following are theater movies:
Satellite - "C".
Return - "B".
Triumphant Return - "A".
Konami Movie - "S".
Level 6 - Complete stage 5 with "A".
Level 7 - Complete stage 6 with "A".
30 Lives
Plug in the second controller (has to be a Dual Shock 2) and enter UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3 a the title screen. |
Submitted by TristanMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements