The Bull Figureine can be found on the Gnome's Island that you will eventually have to go to, if you have not already. This boosts your stamana while it is in your inventory. It does not have to be equiped, it just has to be in your inventory.
When you are sneaking around in the caves and you get discovered, instead of turning belly up just scroll back to Firiona Vie. Scroll back and when you get back the enemy that was chasing you will stand there like your not even there while you take off for the finish line. This works with one chasing you as well as one hundred.
Whenever a character uses critical hit, any other player in the game will automatically have critical hit activated, even outside of the zone.
Note: This can only be done in multiplayer mode.
Faster movement for Shaman
When you get the giant growth, cast it and save your game. When you exit and load you will be able to move just as fast but you will be normal size.
Fight Mithaniel Marr or Cazic-Thule
First, you need to have beaten the game, this works on any difficulty. Depending on which side you chose will determine which boss you will be fighting over and over again. Now for what you have to do. Enter Plane of Tranquility (evil) or Plane of Fear (good), fight the boss determined by your side. Once the boss is defeated, you can loot all the armor or gear dropped off by him. After they have died, click the "start" button, then click "End this mission." When the Planar viewer is brought up, select Plane of Nightmares. Wait for Plane of Nightmares to load up, once it has loaded, click "start" again and select "End this mission" again. When Planar Viewer pops up again, select Plane of Tranquility or Plane of Fear. When the area loads, you will see it has refreshed, and the boss will be there again, you will be able to kill them and repeat.
Health bonus gems and mana bonus gems do not work. This includes items with man/health bonuses. Also, the wizard’s weapon abilities have a glitch that can remove enchantments. For example: if you have a staff with a cold gem in it, and you use the spell 'cold weapons' on characters with other enchantments, When the spell wears off they will lose their original enchantment.
While playing the forest of Norrack on mission mode, enter the caves and search through the jars until you find the archeologists shovel. Then complete the level and move on to the forest of nightmares stage and find the spiritual incantations scroll in the dungeons. Then go back to the forest of Norrack (You might want to complete the nightmare stage first or your data for the level will be erased) and enter the hidden tomb to the left of the caves (now that you have the shovel) and use the spell to open the sealed door to later face "tomb robber" the secret boss.
If you have a character from Champions of Norrath, and he or she has better weapons than you can find, start a level with that past character and another character of your choice.(level doesn’t matter). Once you start, drop all the weapons and armor from the CON character. Your new character can now pick them up and use them as they like (sell or use). Save the game. Go back and start a level on your own without the CON character. They will still have the items and weapons.
Infinite Attribute Points
This is easiest to do after the very first mission. After you fight the first boss you should get the message to press select for a level up . DON'T PRESS SELECT. Instead continue through the portal and go to the bonus round with the four horsemen. Now as soon as you enter press select and distribute your 3 attribute points (If you don't want to take all day adding attribute points allow yourself to level up 5 or more level without using your attribute points, thia way you will have more to add each time). The skill points you have to place WILL NOT carry over so put it anywhere. Now let the enemy kill you. Select try again and your exp meter will be full again. Press select and you will see that the 3 or more points you put there last time are still there but you have 3 more to distribute........repeat as desired. There is no limit to how many time you can use this, just depends on how much time you want to spend doing this. This is not a cheat but a really helpful programming glitch. |
Submitted by drakobaneYou can duplicate any number of items and give them to a character just starting out in the campaign. To do this, you must first have a saved game file that has the character with the item that you want to duplicate. Start a new game with up to four characters and import the character with the item desired to be duplicated into each of the characters (up to four). Give all of the items to be duplicated to one of them and save the game. Then, create a new game and repeat the same procedure; but this time use the character from the newest saved game which should have multiple items already. Note: To save memory card space, just keep saving over the duplicating file. Continue doing this until the number of items duplicated is reached. Start a new game creating the character you want for the mission, then import the character that has been duplicated and give the items to the character that is actually being created for a game. Finally, create a new game and import the character that you created and then gave the duplicated items to in order to start the game with whatever items desired. Note: This can also be done to generate more money by selling the duplicated items instead of keeping them with the character that was created for the new game.
In Champions: Return to Arms, you can imbue weapons with special abilities. If you do this to a summoned weapon (like throwing axes) the effect will stay with the weapon as long as the number you carry never drops below zero.
On the Plane of Torment right you after you talk to Gol Nazyn there will be a penguin on one of the floting rocks. |
Submitted by UnknownPermanent gems in weapons
You can add a permanent enchantment to your weapons by casting any spells like Lightning Weapons, Cold Weapons or Fire Weapons with your wizard. The idea is very simple: equip your weapon, cast the spell (or have a wizard friend to cast it for you) and instead of waiting for the effect of the spell to wears off simply go to the inventory screen and unequip the weapon and wait until the end of the spell before equipping your weapons back. The effect of the spell is now permanent on your weapon.
Since mana and health bonuses don't work, add them to an item you are going to sell. It will increase the item up to 4000+ gold where the mana and health only sell for 999.
Instead of pressing Start and going to 'Gate Scroll', hold Square then press Select.
Shadow Knight Arena Glitch
You have to be using the Shadow Knight for this to work. After you kill a round of enemies and the score of how many enemies you killed comes up, revive as many enemies as you can with Raise Army. All of the enemies you have revived will die at the start of next round.
Snowblind Penguin in the Plane of Torment
Towards the beginning of the Plane of Torment, off the side of the path, you can see the top of what looks like a tower. On top is a the Snowblind Penguin walking around.
Unlock Sword In The Stone
Beat a series of 5 bosses in the last bonus round (the Bloodstone one). You need all 11 Bloodstones to get into the extra area in that last bonus round. Once you defeat the last boss (Innoruuk), you'll "feel like a champion." Now you can go back and draw the sword from the stone. While the sword has a level minimum of 33, you don't have to be any particular level to draw it out.
dmg: ~220-270
+50 strength
100% health regeneration
lvl 33 to equip
weight: ~19.2
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