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Champions of Norrath

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Champions of Norrath on PlayStation 2

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Champions of Norrath Cheats

When you start the game make sure you pick the dark elf because he is a good mix between attack and magic. Boost his level up to 15 because this is were you get to summon a skeleton. Once you have done this import your character and make both of your characters summon a skeleton. Delete the other character you just imported an surprise you now have an army of two skeletons. | Submitted by DarkElf

Once you start your fight with the cloud giant quickly move your player to either the left or right and behind one of the fires. the cloud giant boss will be on the other screen and wont be able to see you. because he is in the middle just pelt him full of arrows after arrows, for me he went down after 150 arrows on a 50-70 attack bow. I didn't even get scratched! | Submitted by Matthias

Start a new game and pick a dark elf. Go through the creation process until you have to enter a name for your character. Enter the name you want and before hitting the enter button hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + L3 + R3 + Triangle and then while holding these down press enter and continue holding them until you get to where you can actually move your character. Make sure you can press the Start button to skip past the next story/movie and go on to playing. Now that your ready go break some fruit baskets or kill some monsters until you get another weapon. Now go into your items screen and in the weapons you have just put that other weapon in your SK other hand. This also works for the barbarian.

Death to Elves. There is a glitch in Act 1. Any npc elf running around, not stationary, can be killed. They give roughly 140-160exp each. You can kill them by selecting the erudite wizard select the spell Shock of Fire and aim it by an elf, make sure it hits something so it will explode next to them. It takes a little time, but shortly they will persih giving exp, and items and a little gold. | Submitted by Grimjoe48

Allow the game to idle for over one minute. Your character will say something like "Isn't there something more important to do?".

Hold L1, R2, Triangle, R3.

This one works good in combination with previous listed cheats. First, you get to point where you have saved the souls and are supposed to free feronia or whatever her name was. Don't free her, keep doing the halls of dispair untill all your armor is above 70 Armor, and your FIRE resist is +120. Go free the stupid lady and run back to her. She gates you guys out. Save the game TWICE NOW. Once you kill or die fighting Innorruk you can not use that save anymore. Now you can kill Innoruk easy enough to repeat. With SK i just kite him around hitting with the Disease trail to make him run, and Disease bolt to cause him to pause. Meanwhile use the awesome bow you get while farming the halls, embue with ice for more damage. Now, kill Inny and it makes you watch him die, cant escape it. QUICKLY when he dies run over and loot the body FAST. Soon as you picked up the pieces, hit your inventory button. You can stay on this screen long as you like, if it is gear you want (ie duplicate, or just keep). Exit the screen and let the game continue, now just do the dupicate trick on a new game. Reload the original save and do it again. Main problem I had was my character only 25 and most gear is up in 40+ or not my class, but I made 2 million in couple hours and got to kill Inny which is about one of the best fights. | Submitted by Energymvr

Make sure you have room on your memory card for more than one save. The idea behind the cheat is to import your own character into a map you control. So, if you are after experience fight your way through the game to a boss fight with an easily accessible save point. Fight the boss down to the last hit and then withdraw to the save point. Save the game, this will be the map reference. Now, go ahead and wander back towards the boss and kill him. You gain the xp and loot of the boss fight. Return to the save point and save your game on < Create New Save Game >. This will create a new save that we'll use to import from. Now, exit the game and reload your map reference save (1st save). Once inside your game, hit start and go to Add/Remove Players... Highlight your own character and hit triangle to import a character. Import your character that already has the boss experience into the map reference save you created and you now have the opportunity to kill the boss again (in one blow no less) and regain his xp and loot.

Alternate exploit: Utilizing the save method, you can effectively farm cash and items through item duplication. Drop the item on the ground you want duplicated from your map reference save and then import your character. Pick up the item and you now have 2, update your map reference save and then drop both items now. Import your character and pick up both items and you now have 4 of this item. This growth is exponential and over time will amount to insane amounts of cash if your selling, or you can duplicate your favorite weapon to dual wield, or just duplicate augmentations to slot into your armor.

Note: On the alternate exploit it is only necessary to have 1 save spot available.

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