Enter 65 SWEET RIDES as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter CHAMPAGNE ROOM as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter AMISHBOY1699 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter "Z AXIS" at the cheat menu. |
Submitted by TristanEnter GHOSTCONTROL as a code at the cheat menu. This mode allows you to steer ghost ridden bikes.
Enter MAKEMEANGRY as a code at the cheat menu. You can now choose a green skin tone in the custom rider creator.
Enter FLUFFYBUNNY as a code at the cheat menu. This mode allows you to get more air.
Enter HELLKITTY487 as a code at the cheat menu.
Remove the game cover from the case to see a more revealing picture on the reverse side.
Enter ITCHI594 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter JOYRIDE18 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter KARMA311 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter SHOWMETHEMONEY as a code at the cheat menu.
To get over 1,000,000 points, jump into the hot-dog stand in the middle of the level. It may take a few attempts, but you can jump into the window and drop for a good ten to fifteen seconds doing tricks. You will also land every time. To get over 1,000,000 points, manual through the go-kart tunnel in the direction of the go-karts. Go slightly slower and manual on the right side on the red and white stripes. Do this where the tunnel starts to slope up. If you manual on the red and white lines, or in between those and the wall, you should eventually fall through the floor. You can drop for about ten seconds, doing however many tricks and always landing them.
Enter LATEY411 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter SHOWMETHEMONKEY as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter XXX RATED CHEAT as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter MANUEL415 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter MIKA362436 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter 3RD SOG as a code at the cheat menu. Objects will appear greenish.
Enter NUTTER290 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter BULLETPOINT as a code at the cheat menu. Note: This will crash the game. It is not known at this time if this feature can be enabled correctly.
Enter ELECTRICITYBAD or I LOVE WOOD as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter IOWARULES as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter RAVE10 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter UNDERGROUND as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter BAABAA as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter SKEETER666 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter MASS HYSTERIA as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter HEAVYPETTING as a code at the cheat menu. This mode makes your character extra bouncy when you crash.
Enter BOYBANDSSUCK as a code at the cheat menu.
Jump at the three police cars in a road block at one of the map edges. Press Grind as you approach. If you are lucky, you will grind one and fall through the street behind. It is easier if you jump fairly straight on at the police cars. Go where the pool is located. You will see trees along the side with fences. Where you would enter to the pool at the gate, there should be a ramp on the left. Get some speed and try to line yourself up with the gate and the tree. When you hit the ramp, you will get stuck there long enough to do a big combo. You can keep doing this for bigger score.
Enter TRIPLEDUB922 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter TWAN18 as a code at the cheat menu.
Enter PARABOLIC as a code at the cheat menu. This mode allows you to see all gaps.
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