Do the following to unlock Movies.
Movie | How to unlock
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Grand Canyon.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Mesa Verde.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Area 51.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in San Francisco.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Lumber Mill.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Crater Lake.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Effigy Mills.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Plumber Base.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Chicago Lake Front.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Historical Battlefield.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Bayou.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in New Orleans.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Washington D.C.
| - Obtain all Sumo Slammer Cards in Cape Canaveral.
Write cannonbolt, heatblast, 4arms, xlr8 if the code you wrote is right you will hear a sound. |
Submitted by ciaranDo the following to unlock Secret Challenges.
Challenge | How to unlock
| - Ultra Rank on Meteor Crater.
| - Ultra Rank on Yellowstone.
| - Ultra Rank on Mt. Rushmore.
| |
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Enter one of the following codes at the "Secret Cheat" screen to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Master Control:
Enter Cannonbolt, Heatblast, Wildvine, 4arms as a code.
Dark Heroes:
Enter Cannonbolt, Cannonbolt, 4arms, Heatblast as a code.
DNA Force:
Enter Wildvine, Fourarms, Heatblast, Cannonbolt as a code.
Enter XLR8, Heatblast, Wildvine, 4Arms as a code.
Alien forms:
Enter Wildvine, 4arms, Heatblast, Wildvine as a code.
All combos:
Enter Cannonbolt, Heatblast, 4arms, Heatblast as a code.
All locations on map:
Enter Heatblast, XLR8, XLR8, Cannonbolt as a code.
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