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World's Scariest Police Chases

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for World's Scariest Police Chases on PlayStation

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World's Scariest Police Chases Cheats

Go to the title screen and press Down, Up, L2, L1, X, Triangle, R2, R1.

Go to the title screen and press Down, Up, Left, Right, X, Triangle, Circle, Square.

To successfully pass the mission, complete 2 laps within the posted time limit while hitting only two breakables (cone or other environmental object.) To earn a commendation, finish 2 laps with eight seconds to spare and without hitting any breakables. Try to keep the speed low so you have more control over the car, but don't go so slow that you can't complete the mission in time.

To successfully pass the mission, get to the accident site within posted time limit, escort ambulance to hospital within posted time limit. To earn a commendation, get the ambulance to the hospital within 2 minutes. Keep your eye on the ambulance to make sure that he's keeping up with you - if it gets too far away, he'll just stop and wait for you to return. Also, make sure that when you make turns to slow down more than normal -the ambulance can't turn corners as fast as your squad car.

To successfully pass the mission, deactivate all bombs within given time limits. To earn a commendation, incur $20,000 or less property damage. You'll need to take the bombs out in the order from left to right on the map. Just pull up next to the bomb and stop the vehicle to disarm it, don't just run over it or it'll detonate.

To successfully pass the mission, lose the van and disable the perp. To earn a commendation, lose the van and return to the rendezvous point within 90 seconds and suffer 50% or less damage. The quickest way to loose the van is to just keep circling around a city block until he just looses sight of you then quickly get back to the stakeout location and then go after the bad guys.

To successfully pass the mission, make it to the precinct. To earn a commendation make it to the precinct with 50% or less damage. Don't try to take out the two cars that follow you from the prison. Just get to the police station as fast as possible. If you try to out shoot them they'll just destroy your car so the best option in this case is to just run.

To successfully pass the mission, disable both tanks. To earn a commendation, suffer 75% or less damage on the police cruiser and 50% or less damage on APC. Quickly get to the tanks location on the map and start firing on it with your assault rifle. As soon as you are authorized to use it, fire on the tank with your standard police issue LAW rocket launcher. Then get in the APC and track down the other tank. In this vehicle you'll have a rapid-fire cannon so you should be able to make short work of the enemy tank.

To successfully pass the mission, get to precinct. To earn a commendation, get to the precinct with 50% or less damage. Chase after the red sports car until you reach the dead end. There are two more enemy cars waiting here for you so get out of there quickly. You'll have to escape back to the police station, but some of the roads will be blocked off. Drive south to get around them. Try to maneuver around objects such as other vehicles, and light poles as you drive through the city. Make it difficult for the perps to get a clear shot at you.

To successfully pass the mission, disable perp. To earn a commendation you must have 90% accuracy and suffer less than 50% damage. When chasing after the escaping felon use the handgun when he is far away from you and use the shotgun or assault rifle when he is close by. The handgun is the only weapon in your arsenal that is accurate at longer distances; the other weapons will just miss unless you are close to him. When you are firing at the suspects, be careful that you don't hit any civilians - if you accidentally shoot at a civilian's vehicle you'll have to report back to your police chief and restart the mission.

To successfully pass the mission disarm the bomb and stop the perp. To earn a commendation you must suffer 50% damage or less. Follow the arrow to get to the Lou Ferris as quickly as possible. Once you get there the bomb you'll need to disarm is the one of the two that is right next to each other. Just drive in-between them and you'll see the question mark turn into an exclamation point. Now chase after Lou using the magnum pistol to take him out. Remember, don't just run over it or it'll detonate.

To successfully pass the mission, catch both perps and collect evidence. To earn a commendation, catch both perps within 4 minutes and collect evidence. You'll need to go after the red car first. From your starting position turn around and take a right down the alley. Keep going straight and stop when the alley hits the main road. The bank robber will drive by in a second, when he does tail him and disable his vehicle. After that's done check your map for the location of the blue van and do the same to him.

To successfully pass the mission, disable the perp. To earn a commendation you must suffer 25% or less damage. You'll have to be very careful to conserve your ammo on this mission. You'll only have enough bullets to take him out so be careful with your aim.

To successfully pass the mission, completely damage instructor's vehicle before he reaches the safehouse. To earn a commendation, complete mission with less than 50% damage to your vehicle. Try to catch up to the fleeing car as quickly as possible. Once you are close to him pull up next to him and ram him from the side. You will disable him faster by trying to push him up against a building.

To successfully pass the mission, disable the perp. To earn a commendation you must suffer 50% or less damage, 90% or higher shooting accuracy. Try to stay close behind the limo and use the rocket launcher whenever you have a clear shot. Try not to get too close or the blast from the explosion will damage you car as well. Also, beware of firing the weapon too close to civilians!

To successfully pass the mission, disable instructor's vehicle by shooting and ramming before him before he reaches the safe house. Then, go back and collect the evidence before timer runs out. To earn a commendation you must have a 95% shooting accuracy and 36% or less damage to user's vehicle. As the mission begins pull out your pistol, target the suspect vehicle and wait for your instructor's permission to fire your weapon. If you fire it before you will fail the mission. Fire at the suspect vehicle as soon as the instructor allows you to fire and keep firing until the suspect's car is disabled. Immediately pull a quick U-turn and go back the way you came to pick up the evidence.

To successfully pass the mission, finish the course in posted time, shoot 4 of 5 targets and don't hit any breakables. To earn a commendation, finish the course with 20 seconds remaining, shoot all 5 targets and don't hit any breakables. When taking the jumps or the turns, slow down a bit so you don't crash into the cones because if you knock just one over you'll have to restart the mission. Be sure to press up on the D-Pad to auto-aim at each of the targets and slow down if necessary to be sure that you get at least 4-5 targets.

To successfully pass the mission, disable the drunk driver. To earn a commendation force the drunk driver to stop by stress. At the start of mission pull a quick U turn and follow the arrow to the drunk driver. Once you are close to him pull up next to him and ram him from the side. You will disable him faster by trying to push him up against a building. Remember to keep an eye on your damage meter so you don't wreck your vehicle before disabling the perp. Quickly disable him by continually ramming him until he stops driving.

To successfully pass the mission, disable the perp. To earn a commendation, stop him by stressing him out and get 50% or less damage. As soon as the mission starts get on the freeway and drive until you see the car thief coming in the opposite direction. Quickly pull a quick U-turn at the next break in the median strip and catch up to him as fast as possible. Quickly disable him by continually ramming him until he stops driving. Remember to keep an eye on your damage meter so you don't wreck your vehicle before disabling the perp.

To successfully pass the mission, get to the shootout within posted time, disable perp. To earn a commendation, get to the shootout in 55 seconds, disable perp while user suffers 50% or less damage. This is the first time you'll use your handgun while on duty. When you are firing at the suspects, be careful that you don't hit any civilians - if you accidentally shoot at a civilian's vehicle you'll have to report back to your police chief and restart the mission. Also try to take out the gangster's car as quickly as possible so you will have time to go back and get their discarded weapon - you only have a short period of time before you can recover the evidence.

To successfully pass the mission, stop the bus by stressing out the perp. To earn a commendation, both user and bus both suffer 50% or less damage and you don't fire a single shot. The only way to get the bus to stop moving is to pull up behind it with your sirens on and wait until the blue "stress" bar fills completely. Keep as close to the bus as possible but try not to damage it. Make sure to avoid hitting the vehicles that the bus tries to force in your path.

To successfully pass the mission, follow Leo Garcia without being noticed, then disable him. To earn a commendation, you must suffer 50% or less damage with a 90% shooting accuracy. For the first part of the mission you have to be very careful not to get too close or too far - keep an eye on the distance meter. If he stops moving for a while just be patient and wait for him to pull away. After the car makes the drug deal chase after him and disable his car. Also, try to take out Leo's vehicle as quickly as possible so you will have enough time to go back and get the evidence - you only have a short period of time before you can recover the evidence. Again be careful not to hit any civilians with gunfire or else fail the mission.

Press Left, Right, L1, R1, Circle, Square, R2, L2 at the main menu.

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