When you are preparing to jump into the river in the beginning, Rowd will have a group of soldiers attack you. When he runs off answer Jowy so that you won't jump off, Rowd will return with more soldiers. Do this 108 times for a color intro.
This isn't that great, but it is a commonly unknown secret, and it levels up your characters as well. Also, sometimes it won't work if you do it 108 times. I t is a real pain to get to 108 and not have it work, so do it 110 times and be safe. |
Submitted by Master_JejeWhen you are spying on the Highland camp, at the end you get attacked by Highland soldiers. After you beat them, Jowy will hold them off while you run to Nanami. When you reach her, you fight more Highlands(use Bright Shield to defeat them easily). After that she asks where Jowy is. Reply ".....", and more Highlands appear. After the battle she asks you again. Keep replying "...." to fight more Highlands every time. Keep using Bright Sheild until it runs out, then use Flaming Arrows from the fire rune. After the runes run out, use Family Attack on the one with the spear and just attack the rest.(if you're not around level 20 this can be difficult)Anyway, the first couple battles should give close to 1000 experience each. Keep doing that until your levels are pretty high(or they stop giving you less than 100 experience).
Fried tacos are also immediately more available at two rivers at kobold item store.
The first time you can go to the Muse and Mitlida border, you will see two guards blocking the entrance. Simply have the Hero push the gate forward, allowing you to enter the Mitlilda kingdom. |
Submitted by Master_JejeNote: You must have already recruited the armor shop owner to your armies cause for this trick. Once this has been done, go to his shop. This glitch involves some simple calculations, use the following example as a guide to see how it is done. Equip one character with Dragon Armor (23,000 potch), and make sure that at least two other characters have no armor equipped, but can wear Draqon Armor. You should also have 23,000 to 30,000 potch. Talk to the armorer, go to buy, then choose to purchase Dragon Armor. When prompted to place it in the bag or to equip it, choose to equip it on the character already wearing Dragon Armor. When prompted to sell the old armor or put it in the bag, cancel the action. You should still be in buying mode for the armor. Simply purchase the two armorless characters Dragon Armor. The potch meter will reset to somewhere around 999,999.
McDohl, the Hero from Suikoden, appears in the game if you have collected all 108 characters from the first Suikoden. Load your previous Suikoden game data when prompted after starting a game. Play through the game until you have gone over to Gregminster and have met their leader. Then, go to Banner Village and talk to Ko, the boy who is dressed similarly to you. After, go over to the east side of Banner where the dock is located. There will be a man, Gremio, blocking your path (if not him, it will be Ellie). Return to Ko, and he will help you get past the man. That should lead to McDohl. McDohl and Viktor, like others, will make their second appearance in the series.
If you load data from the first Suikoden without having all 108 characters, he will be called RcDohl. But other than the name he is the same person. McDohl (or RcDohl), after returning Ko to banner village, will only join you again if you talk to him in Gregminster. If you have him leave your party afterwards, you have to go all the way back to Gregminster to ask him fight with you again.
To get McDohl in your party, you do not need all 108 characters from the first game. However, when you get him due to a text parsing error in the game, the first letter in McDohl will be the first letter of his name in the first game (for instance, my character was named Daros, so in the second game, his name is DcDohl). This has nothing to do with the number of characters.
Recruit Tetsu in Lakewest. While you are in the Kobold section of Two River City, stop to buy a few Fried Tacos. When you eat these, there is a probability of becoming toasty. Return to Lakewest and make sure there is steam releasing from the Hero's body. Talk to Tetsu and he will provide you his service, and you will have acquired an Open Air Bath. You must first have the Jungle Bath model. Exit and renter the Jungle bath at least twenty times until you have obtained the Open Air Bath. |
Submitted by Master_JejeHighlight "Determine" at the name entry screen, then press L2 + R2.
Random Teleportation Trick
When you get Viki in your group and ask her to teleport you somewhere, once in a while she will teleport you in the wrong place. One of which is a hidden room in Radat town. Here you'll find many nice items.
To join Pesmerga in your party you must collect at least 100 characters that belongs to the 108 Stars of Destiny. Then go to The Cave of the Wind and proceed to the place were you have found the Black Dragon Sword, there you can put Pesmerga in your party.
Submitted by WorldofVince:SirHumphreyTo recruit Tetsu get Alex (the item keeper) in your group and when he sells fried tacos buy 3. Next go to Lakewest and keep giving them to your hero. Once you done that steam should start coming out of your hero. Then go and talk to Tetsu and he will ask if you like baths and answer I love baths then he will say somethings and will build a sauna for you. The sauna is where you enter in the front not by the bar
When trying to recruit the 108 stars, make sure in Muse you talk to Clive. If you do not do this he will not appear in South Window and you can never get him.
After the final battle, when you return to your castle and are asked about leadership, choose "I can't do it." Then use the blinking mirror to return to the castle where the last battle was (L'Something or other) and head southeast along the path until you reach Tenzen path. Follow to the end and you will see another ending.
To get the best ending, you must have all 108 characters before you talk to Shu about the Rockaxe mission. Also when you near the end of Rockaxe Castle, when Nanami jumps out to protect you from Gorudo, you must answer very quickly (doesn't matter which answer you choose). If you did this correctly, after Dr. Huan reports of her unfortunate conditon, he should ask to talk to Shu in private.
Did all that? Alright, then once you've beaten the game, head back to Tenzan Path (northwest of Kyaro) and return to that place by the waterfall. Jowy's there, of course, and you'll go into a duel with him. Just keep on defending throughout it. After that, he'll ask you to take his Black Sword Rune. Keep on refusing. Once you've refused enough, Leknaat will appear. I won't spoil the rest, but those are the requirements for getting the best ending. |
Submitted by KurtisZubackMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements