There's a nod to a certain man named Bryan, one of the developers at Insomniac, who worked on this game. It's in the Summer Forest hubworld. On the opposite from the Idol Springs portal, there is a wall with a purple crystal on it. Below it is a scribbled text that spells the letters 'B-R-Y-A-N'. There is another place in Summer Forest where you can find this name. In the castle garden area with the Sunny Beach portal, you'll spot the name again, above one of the red buttons.
There's a nod to one of the developers at Insomniac Games in Mystic Marsh. Once you start the level, jump inside the fountain which has these four coins in it. Press 'triangle' to take a closer look at these coins, and you'll see that it has the face of a man on it. This man is Dan Johnson, a guy who worked on several games made by Insomniac, including the Spyro games on the Sony PlayStation.
While the game is paused press circle(x4), square. Spyro now knows how to swim underwater, climb, and headbash. |
Submitted by BrianUrtzAmazing view in Summer Forest
This isn't a code actually, it is just a hint or tip. All you have to do is learn to swim, and then that long water tunnel you enter, go up the stairs, get the orb and carefully jump through the hole on left between the hill and tower. You get an amazing view of the water tunnel! Also you can breath fire. Try to flame the fish. It is easier to do with a fireball. Note: you will have to quit the game after this though. But you can come back though. |
Submitted by EvanBefore the stairs leading to the Boss Are some cracks in the wall which you can ram through. Use the whirlwind, and then the next one, to reach the high tower. From here, look ahead and you will see a tall platform in the distance, outside and to the left of the outer wall of the main yard. Glide to it and get the Orb.
Another description to get this Orb is as follows: climb up all the ladders next to Moneybags. Turn left at the portal to Scorch. Go down the hallway until you find a cracked wall on your left. Break the wall by charging into it. Go up the whirlwind. At the top of it, you will find a few gems. Then, go up the other whirlwind. Glide from the platform to the long green platform. There should be an Orb at that location.
From the tall platform (above), glide the outer wall and make your way to the left. At the end you should see another cracked wall. The Orb is inside.
While the game is paused press up(x4), R1(x4), circle. Now Spyro will have a huge head. |
Submitted by BrianUrtzFollow the path of goats until reaching the area with the circling vultures. Fly high above to the canyon rim and look for Hunter in a little nook.
To change the color of Spyro, pause the game and enter the following.
Effect | Code
- Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Circle
| |
- Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Down
| |
- Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square
| |
- Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Triangle
| |
- Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Up
| |
- Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X
| |
At the main menu, hold L1 + R2 and press Square.
Go to the circular area in Aquaria Towers, where you ride the Manta Ray. Follow the edge of the room and ram the sheep that appear. The sheep will regenerate with each "lap" around the room. An extra life is earned for every ten butterflies that are eaten.
An extra life is obtained for every ten butterflies Spyro eats.
Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and Sparks will point you in the direction of the nearest Gem.
In dragon shores there is a portal that can give you fireballs all the time, all you have to do is get 100% in the game. That's 60 orbs and 10,000 in treasure.
While the game is paused press left, right, left, right, L2, R2, L2, R2, square. Now Spyro is flat. |
Submitted by BrianUrtzAfter you charge the first person onto the X, go right of the X until you see some ladders. Make your way right by jumping right off the first ladder. Go right Until you see a hole. Jump in an hunter will be in a room waiting to challenge you to "Catch It Before Me" challenge.
PS: In the challenge you have to catch 10 green things before hunter does. |
Submitted by ps2/psxmasterFly around the main island until you locate a igloo. Headbash the igloo and Hunter will give you another task.
Fly toward the large group of buildings. There is a waterfall in the center of them. Fly behind the waterfall to find a person that will reveal the task for the Orb.
Swimming - Summer Forest near pond - 500 Gems
Climbing - Autumn Plains near the sheep - 500 Gems
Headbashing - Winter Tundra near courtyard - 1000 Gems
There is a large group of spectators, ahead and to the left as you begin the level . Fly to them and talk to the fish-like lady to acquire the task. Complete the task to receive an Orb.
Orb on Secret Ledge in Summer Forest
To get that orb at that ledge you saw at the last pillar of Hunter's challenge, you need to go back at the portal leading to Glimmer and then dive in the pond. Follow the path, while collecting the treasure then go up the steps and get the orb.
To get one orb, you need to find Elora and talk to her. She is supposed to say something about a whirlwind being activated by orbs. You should collect enough orbs to activate it. When it's activated, go up then glide to the ledge. Go all the way to the end wall then charge it to get one orb.
To get the other orb on the faraway ledge, climb the ladder near Moneybags then climb those two ladders that leads to the portal near Scorch. Go through to the tunnel and charge the cracked wall. Go up the whirlwind, collect the treasure then go up the next whirlwind. Make a very long glide to the ledge and finally get the orb!
Permanent Super Flame Breath
After getting 100% in the game and getting the permanent fireball breath, immediately save and quit and start a new game in a different save slot. You should have the permanent fireball breath from the beginning of the game, making challenges much easier.
At the title screen hold L1+R2 and press square if entered correctly
you can play CTR.
1. You MUST know the headbash move.
2. You MUST have killed all of the earthshapers, some of them can be pushed into lava, the rest are taken care of by...
3. You must complete both of Hunter's tasks (Alchemist Escort & Earthshaper Bash).
4. You MUST have killed AT LEAST 14 enemies in this area.
In Authumn Plains/Fracture Hills talk to Spinner the Faun, she tells you about her friend in the locked room w/o a key. Just to her left there is a little gulley, drop down in there and you'll be on a path. Run down the path (Pressing the square button), through the power up (speed). Continue running breaking through the 1st door. Follow the path around, just as it makes a sharp left press the jump button (X), but don't release the run button (this whole thing must be done while running super-fast). You should jump up into the tunnel, continue running through the tunnel to the right, then to the left, then JUMP again just after you make your left to clear the edge at the end of the tunnel breaking through the 2nd door. Keep running following the path, jump over the lava and follow the path breaking right through the 3rd door, follow the path through this tunnel and as soon as you exit, veer to your left and head up the ramp and through the 4th door, keep following through this tunnel and as soon as you exit you'll be running down a very narrow elevated path. Follow this path all the way until it ends and you will be running super fast right towards the locked door, jump to clear the edge and bust through the door. The faun will be waiting and give you an orb for your efforts.
Ripto goes thourgh closed door
Just before you fight crush Elora tells you how Ripto arrived. When the fairies are going to scatter the orbs [in Winter Tundra] ,Ripto jumps and grabs a orb however the fairy is going through the door [not the one to fight ripto] but the door is closed. So how did ripto get through the door did the fairy make her and ripto have Ghost mode or did the fairy do somthing we will never find out?
After defeating Ripto, a "Skill Points" section will appear in the guidebook. If you complete certain tasks in the game, you will be awarded a skill point. There are a total of 16 skill points in the entire game. After accomplishing one of these tasks, a sound will play and a bonus life will be awarded.
1. In Colusus, get a perfect score. (5-0) while playing hockey 1 on 1.
2. In Idol Springs, glide and land on the big idol next to the hula girl.
3. In Fracture Hills, charge through the supercharge lap three times without stopping.
4. In Skelos Badlands, destroy all the Cacti.
5. In Skelos Badlands, kill all the flying CatBats.
6. In Aquaria Towers, destroy all the seaweed.
7. In Hurricos, destroy all the little windmills.
8. In Scorch, knock coconuts out of all the trees.
9. Defeat Crush without being wounded.
10. Defeat Gulp without being wounded.
11. Defeat Ripto without being wounded.
12. While fighting Gulp, shoot a rocket at Ripto.
13. Beat Ocean Speedway in under 1:10.
14. Beat Canyon Speedway in under 1:10.
15. Beat Metro Speedway in under 1:15.
16. Beat Icy Speedway in under 1:15.
To earn the Orb in each of the four speedways you must first find the hidden task to perform. The game cannot be completed 100% without the Orbs.
Find Hunter near the large pond and he will reveal a series of jumps to perform.
Dive down a pool of water to your left where you started the level. Climb the stairs at the end to find the Orb.
Once you have learned to climb, go to the large orange circle room. Climb the ladder to find the Orb.
There is a door then some stairs in the room where Moneybags lowers a wall. At the top should be a window and a closed door to the right. Glide out the window and move to the left into another window to find the Orb.
Go to winta tundra then go to the water wizerd and go to the explora and you will have to kill kangerroos mack sure the last one you kill is underwater (only one goes underwater) then you will be swming on land to turn off go in reel water or go in a powerup. |
1. You MUST know the headbash move.
2. You MUST have killed all of the earthshapers, some of them can be pushed into lava, the rest are taken care of by...
3. You must complete both of Hunter's tasks (Alchemist Escort & Earthshaper Bash).
4. You MUST have killed AT LEAST 14 enemies in this area.
Follow the instructions to the Rescue the Faun. Go through the 4th door, keep following through this tunnel and as soon as you exit you'll be running down a very narrow elevated path. Follow this path out to the left as normal, but as it starts to turn to the right jump down to your left and land just outside the treasure cave, jump again to clear the edge (jumping up into the cave) and smash into the treasure box breaking it open.
While the game is paused press up, right, down, left, up, square, R1, R2, L1, L2, up, left, down, right, up, down. Now Spyro is black. |
Submitted by BrianUrtzWhile the game is paused press up, right, down, left, up, square, R1, R2, L1, L2, up, left, down, right, up, x. Now Spyro is blue. |
Submitted by BrianUrtzWhile the game is paused press up, right, down, left, up, square, R1, R2, L1, L2, up, left, down, right, up, triangle. Now Spyro is green. |
Submitted by BrianUrtzWhile the game is paused press up, right, down, left, up, square, R1, R2, L1, L2, up, left, down, right, up, square. Now Spyro is pink. |
Submitted by BrianUrtzWhile the game is paused press up, right, down, left, up, square, R1, R2, L1, L2, up, left, down, right, up, circle. Now Spyro is red. |
Submitted by BrianUrtzWhile the game is paused press up, right, down, left, up, square, R1, R2, L1, L2, up, left, down, right, up, up. Now Spyro is yellow. |
Submitted by BrianUrtzUntimed hockey Games in Colossus
When at the colossus in the summer forest get to the hockey stage. If you leave the arena and go back in the game will be untimed but you only get one chance and then the puck disappears. If you beat the goalee you will go to two player mode. At this point leave again and then return. The puck never disappears and it's untimed!
While the game is paused press square, circle, square, circle, square, circle, left, right, left, right, left, right to view the credits. |
Submitted by BrianUrtzUse the whirlwind in the courtyard to rise high in the air. From here, go right and find the a waterfall going into a pool of water. Dive in the water and follow the path to the last Orb. You should come out near Canyon Speedway.
Use the whirlwind again to go to the left side of the courtyard. Land on the wall. The Orb is just sitting there and is easy to find.
After you learn how to headbash, look for the largest rock near the entrance to the courtyard. Headbash the rock and to find the Orb inside.
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