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#1: Don't (Do not) use any cuss words. #2 If you make a game w/ (with) [With] {W/} cuss words make an EXACT COPY OF YOUR GAME & (and) [And] on the copy EDIT OUT THE CUSS WORDS & only used the version th@ (that) has the cuss words edited out to load on to anyones MC (Memory Card) look while scrolling up then when it says so look @ (at) how to do it (loading a game on someone elses MC). #3: Tell people how to do things before they are done like in my game Thomas's Quest 1: Ellijack:Thomas you are to seek out a limited amount of letters when you get the letter N in Nashville, beaware that you will be in COMPLETE DARKNESS SO becareful because you need to talk to Rhiannon to light up Nashville all over again. #4: Make sure the game is a good game. #5: Like in my game th@ has certain religious stuff in it some people may not like to talk, see or hear about it so if your game contains any o' (Of) [O'] {of} these please print this out & circle what it has or tell the person or people to circle what they like & what they don't (do not) like to talk, hear or see about below: Satan (The Devil, Lucifer, THE WORST BAD GUY)!!! God Jesus Angels Demons Heaven Hell Armageddon: Others (write what you do & don't like or what your game has religious wise or otherwise) | Submitted by HurricaneSkyHawk
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