At the Car Selection screen, press L2 + R2 to change the angle that the car rotates.
To unlock this song, you need to obtain five golden trophies.
Get more colors to make logo
When making your logo move your logo move the cursor out of the painting area and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select. When the RGB option appears move the cursor to a color and press R1 + Up or Down.
1. Select a track and car.
2. Press "Start Race".
3. While race is loading hold L1, R1, Select and Start until the race starts.
4. The track will be a mirror version of itself.
After selecting Race Start hold L1 + R1 + Select + Start.
When the announcer say 3, 2, 1. GO!, at 3 tap X+Square to reach the max RPM and when you start reach the final gear and you go at max speed. In some cars, don't work at the final gear but penultimate or third last gear. This glitch work's ONLY in manual transmission.
While at the logo painting screen press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select.
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