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ASSASSIN: Injuries up ATOMIC BOMB: Explosion on hard hits BAZOOKA: Quarterback has stronger arm BIG GIRLS: Cheerleaders are bigger BIG STARS: Better players are bigger BLASTERS: More time to pop a receiver and get the ball out BLIND REF: Referee misses calls BLIZZARD: Lots of snow BO KNOWS: Shoulder charge BRITTLE: More injuries BROADWAY JOE: Quarterback is slower but more accurate BUSY REF: Referee calls more penalties BUTKAS: Defense hits harder CREDITS: View the game's credits CRUNCHY: Hits are louder DARK NIGHT: Darker in stadium DEFENSE: Better defense DEMPSEY: Field-goal range increases DERVISH: Spins are more effective DOC: Players don't get hurt ELECTRIC FB: Players twitch EQUALIZER: Most players are equal FLEA CIRCUS: Players are really small FRIDGE: Players are bigger FROG: Players jump higher GB SPEED: Play is much faster GD CHALLENGE: Computer is harder GENIUS: Computer is smarter GLOVES: Players catch more passes GOLIATH: Players are bigger and sound like monsters HANG TIME: Punts and kickoffs stay in the air longer HATCHET: Forearm shiver juiced HOGS: Offensive line blocks better HOME COOKING: Home team has no call-pass interference or personal fouls ICE SKATES: Players slip around INFAMOUS POP UPS: Receivers pop the ball very high when hit INJURIES UP: More injuries INJURIES DOWN: Fewer injuries JUGGLER: One handed catches are less effective JUICE: Speed burst is better KARATE: Forearm shiver becomes karate chop KRAIG: More fumbles LONG JUMP: Players dive further LOUD MOUTH: Commentator is louder MANDARICH: Offensive line is at a disatvantage NO TIME: Unlimited time NYSE: Swim move is juiced OFFENSE: Better offense OUCH: If hit in the air....... Ouch! PANCAKE: Blockers knock over defenders more frequently PINBALL: Stronger forearm shiver PISTON: Jackhammer off a stiff arm REJECTION: Defensive players jump higher SAYERS: Opposing defensive players miss tackles SCRAMBLER: Quarterback moves faster SHOUT: Crowd is louder SLO MO: Play is slower SQUALL: More wind in rain STEROIDS: Recover specials faster and computer players are faster STRETCH: Jump higher on one handed catches TEMPEST: Stadium turns real dark TIGHT COVER: Defense covers receivers closer TOAST: Secondary plays farther off receivers TORRETA: Quarterback lobs passes TWISTER: Wind is very strong
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