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For Ramza, make him master the monk class, then turn him into a lancer and master that class, too. For Orlandu, you can try making him a monk. just make him have the 'equip sword' ability. He can kickass with his monk abilities, even better than Ramza. Make Orlandu learn all of these skills and then turn him back into a holy swordsman. use the monk skills as a secondary skill. For Agrias, fo the same thing you did for Orlandu, except that her monk skills aren't as strong as everybody else. For Beowulf, make him learn all of his temple knight skills and then turn him into a samurai. Learn all of the skills, and then turn him back to the temple knight. The skills should be useful, especially the 'kiyomori' sword skill. For Mustadio, do the same thing you did with Ramza. At the start of the game, though, you might want him to learn all of the snipe skills and then become a master chemist. this is a good combo for early stages. Note: When using Orlandu, Agrias, and Beowulf, make sure you duplicate the Excalibur sword and give one to each of them. It will give them the ability to go first plus hurt more with their attacks.
NOTE: They gain 1 brave point every turn, so keep it under 10 or they'll turn back.
1.destroy all but one enemy and keep him n stop or sleep. 2.keep choosing "Wait" for all of your team 3.pretty soon, the defeated enemies will turn into crystals and will light up the room.
First, move within four spaces of Velius and use wave fist. Then you should get another turn. Use wave fist again and then jump across the water on the right. I think Velius gets his turn next and he'll use Cyclops. While he's charging, move your guys away from the target. If he targeted a certain person, attack him directly with that person. Hopefully, you'll have a summoner left. Cast Lich (It'll hit him for around 500, and he has 1000hp) By now he should be almost dead. Just use anything you can to finish him off.
Start out by getting as close to him as you can. Then use wave fist. He will then use Lightning Stab and run away. DON'T FOLLOW HIM. Run back to where you started and use chakra. He will then move to where he started. Now repeat all this until he's dead.
Here's my take on how to beat Balk and his crew of beasts. First, use the sword duping trick to make a number of "Excalibur" and "Save the Queen". Change Ramza's job to Knight if you don't have him there already, and equip both the swords stated above (must have the Two Swords ability from the Ninja job class [900 JP]). This will automatically put him in [Haste] and [Protect]. Have whatever ability you want for your secondary action ability. Use Blade Grasp for your Reaction ability, Two Swords for Support ability, and Move-HP UP for Movement. NOTE: This combination of abilities and items works well with ANY character, but you may not have spent enough time with everyone, having Ramza the only one capable. For the rest of my team, I included Mustadio as an Engineer (with Mythril Gun), Orlandu as Holy Swordsman (with Excalibur and Save the Queen if possible), Agrias as Holy Knight, and a Ninja. Equip the best armor you have (Reflect Armor works OK here). The Defense Armlet is the best accessory to have (so Balk can't use his Snipe skills on you), but Rubber Shoes (accessory) are useful when Balk tries to shoot you with his Lightning-aligned Blast Gun. Use whichever is handy, but equip the Defense Armlet(s) on your best character(s). Use Mustadio's "Snipe" ability on the monsters to paralyze them. Pick each one off in turn with Ramza and the Ninja going up close with Two Swords, while Agrias and Orlandu get them with Lightning Stab (or the best skill you have). Note: You can just attack the Behemoth until its health is "Critical". It'll leave you alone. The three other monsters can hit you with their firey breath (and from fairly far away), so make sure you kill them off completely. You can't paralyze Balk, so you have to concentrate on surrounding him. He runs away easily and can hit you with his Blast Gun, so go after him quickly (once you've eliminated the monsters). Try to break his Blast Gun first with Orlandu's Hellcry Punch. After that, he's easy to defeat with ANY ally. Good luck!
For example, to duplicate Excaliber, go to Lionel castle's shop. You'll get a second Excalibur for only 10 gold!
When you go into a classes skill list, select any skill you can buy. When the confirmation window comes up and asks you if you want to buy the skill, hold Square. Press Up or Down while holding Square and you'll see that the skill list scrolls down/up as well. If you are highlighting a skill that can't be purchased yet and the skill you selected isn't on screen, then try to buy the skill. One of two things will happen: Either all of the skills can be bought or they can't. If none of the skills can be bought, check the JP for that class. If you have 0000 JP, then the cheat worked. This also applies if they are all available to buy. Exit out of the skill section, back to the Abilities setup screen. Then go back to the skill list you used the cheat on. You will have 9999 JP, more than enough to buy all of the skills. | Submitted by AzuroTieron
Walk across any green dot until you are attacked, then kill all but one enemy. Next, find five squares that form an + and are on the same height level. Have the monk stand in the center with all other characters in the adjacent squares. Use accumalte over and over and when your attacked just use chakra to gain back your health. Repeat as desired.
What you do is you turn your enemies into frogs. It is time consuming, but it is worth it. (You can increase chances by using oracle "pray faith." Once that is done. and I know this sounds weird, turn your strong character into a frog. Then with oracle or mediator, put him into berserk. This will allow him to fight on auto-battle without running away. Keep your character well healed. Move the rest of your characters far away from the fight. Frogs VS Frogs. Put them on auto battle in "Run like a rabbit" mode so they don't interfere. They shouldn't interfere. Leave it on over night. By morning that character will rise 5-10 levels, and have over 2000-5000 jp points.
Go to Zeltennia Castle and listen to the rumor called "Cursed Island" Buy a flower from Aeris at Zarghidas Trade City then go to Goug machine city with Mustadio. The screen will fade and go to a scene of Mustadio, Ramza and a steel ball. Go to the bar in Goland Coal City and listen to the rumor of the "Ghost of Colliery" After this, go to Lesalia Imperia and the screen should shown a scene of a bar. When you leave, invite Beowulf to join your party. Now that you have Beowulf, go to Goland Coal City and you will fight 4 battles here and save Reis. After you save Reis you will get a Zodiac Stone that will trigger the steel ball. Return to Goug Machine City again and add the Robot to your party. Now that you have the robot, go to Nelveska Temple. You will fight another robot kill him and you will recieve a stone that will bring Cloud to your world. Now go back to Goug Machine City and you will trigger the time portal machine and it will suck Cloud from the future bringing him to your world. Now go to Zarghidas Trade City and save Cloud from the thieves that are punking Aeris. Note: if this part didn't work make sure that you killed Dycerag and his Zodiac Soul Adramelk. When Cloud joins your party all he can do is defend and attack. You'll need to find his Materia Blade so that he can use all of his limit attacks from Final Fantasy VII. The Materia Blade is located in the Bervania Volcano. Set your party's on Move-Find Item Then go to the highest tall rock and go to the top of it.
Monk Class Secondary Skill:Guts Reaction:Blade Grasp Support:Equip Armor Movement:Move +1 Constantly use Scream in battle and equip Ramza with the Bracer as an Accessory and eventually you'll end up with a Ramza that does up to 999 damage on human Units and is almost untouchable. | Submitted by AzuroTieron
Put the Chantage perfume on any female character, and make sure the Ninja has the reaction skill of Sunken State (or equip him/her with the Vanish Mantle) Go into battle, and hit the Ninja until he uses Sunken State (unless he has a Vanish Mantle) then make your Ninja run away after it is transparent (not acting!) You will notice that your female character, after dying will be revived as soon as her AT reaches 100. This will happen every time she dies! It is better to have someone like Agrias use this technique!
Warning: When you kill undead this way a timer will appear. If you don't finish the game before the timer reaches 0 the undead will rise again.
____________________________________________________ Squire - None Chemist - None Knight - Lv. 2 Squire Archer - Lv. 2 Squire Priest - Lv. 2 Chemist Wizard - Lv. 2 Chemist Monk - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Knight Thief - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Archer Oracle - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 2 Priest Time Mage - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 2 Wizard Mediator - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 2 Priest, Lv. 2 Oracle Summoner - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 2 Wizard, Lv.2 Time Mage Geomancer - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Knight, Lv. 3 Monk Lancer - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Archer, Lv. 3 Thief Bard (Males Only) - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 2 Priest, Lv. 2 Oracle, Lv.2 Wizard, Lv. 2 Time Mage, Lv. 4 Mediator Dancer (Females Only) - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Knight, Lv. 2 Archer, Lv. 3 Thief, Lv. 3 Monk, Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer Samurai - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Archer, Lv. 3 Thief, Lv. 3 Knight, Lv. 4 Monk, Lv. 4 Lancer Ninja - Lv. 2 Squire, Lv. 2 Knight, Lv. 3 Archer, Lv. 3 Monk, Lv. 2 Geomancer Calculator - Lv. 2 Chemist, Lv. 4 Priest, Lv. 4 Wizard, Lv. 3 Time Mage, Lv. 3 Oracle Mime - Lv. 8 Squire, Lv. 8 Chemist, Lv. 2 Knight, Lv. 2 Archer, Lv. 2 Priest, Lv. 2 Oracle, Lv. 2 Time Mage, Lv. 2 Wizard, Lv. 3 Monk, Lv. 3 Thief, Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer, Lv. 4 Mediator, Lv. 4 Summoner Special Classes (Can ONLY be obtained by special Characters that have the job already) __________________________________________________ Holy Knight (Agrias) Dark Knight (Gafgarion) Engineer (Mustadio) Heaven Knight (Rafa) Hell Knight (Malak) Divine Knight (Meliadoul) Holy Swordsman (Orlando, AKA T.G. Cid) Temple Knight (Beowulf) Dragoner (Reis) Soldier (Cloud) | Submitted by MattHoward
Note: This tip only works in the Japanese version.
NOTE: When you get T.G Cid at the end of the 3rd. chapter, duplicate his excalibur and put one in each of Ramza's hands. If he is at a good level and has a high attack power, he can attack for 350+ points of damage each hit!
Job:Squire Secondary Job Command:Math Skill Reaction:Blade Grasp Support:Two Swords Movement:Teleport Also attach a PA-increasing Accessory to him and raise his permenant Brave to 95-100. Once you accomplish this, Ramza will be able to do devastating damage, block almost every physical attack, attack a second time just in case he doesn't kill the enemy with the first hit, and move up to 13 spaces in one turn. If you use this setup after getting Orlandu and copying his Excalibur, you can make Ramza be protected from Holy damage and strengthen his Holy spell when using the Math Skill version, thus making him strong enough to take out 5 Black Chocobos on his own. | Submitted by AzuroTieron
You can get your Brave up to 97. This works great if you have the Blade Grasp skill because the enemies will only have a three percent chance of hitting you!
Ninja Job Jump (Lancer) Blade Grasp (Samurai) Attack UP (Geomancer) Ignore Height (Lancer) For best results, use the Easiest Job Mastering Method to obtain the required skills for a Shinobi much quicker. | Submitted by AzuroTieron
1.Try to go through the game without going into random battles. If a random battle occurs, reset the game. 2.Before removing units, remove all equipment from them. This way, just in case equipment gets stolen, you'll have spare equipment. 3.Master the Calculator job as quickly as possible. It becomes very useful later on in the game. 4.Use the MP Switch/Move-MP Up combo in almost every battle you are in. MP Switch allows you to take MP damage instead of HP damage if you have any MP left, and Move-MP UP makes sure you have at least some MP left. MP Switch will activate very often no matter how little MP you have. 5.The first level really requires that you have 2 Chemists other than yourself in the battle for healing, so it really doesn't count as a SR Challenge battle. Also, in the same battle, if Delita doesn't kill the Squire that attacks him first on his second turn, reset the game as the Chemist will heal that Squire and all the opponents will swarm you. 6.If you die, reset the game unless there's a guest Unit close by who knows Phoenix Down of the Chemist job and has Item as the secondary skill. If they fail to heal you on the first chance, they won't attempt to revive you through the rest of the fight and will let you turn into a crystal. 7.The Yell/Accumulate combo will be required a lot in the beginning. By those two skills ASAP. If you follow these procedures and use the strategy guide, then you can beat the game in around 13 hours with only the main character. | Submitted by AzuroTieron
Make sure Ramza is a Squire with two sword ability or a Ninja with HP Restore and the support skill Guts equipped. When you start the battle it's just you (Ramza) and Weigraff. Don't attack him, instead keep away from him and use Yell and Accumilate repeatedly when it's your turn. Eventualy this will raise your speed and level high enough that you don't have to worry about his Lightning Stab or Earth Slash attack. When you are getting 3 to 4 consecutive turns in a row (Check the AT list) wait until the beginning of the next cycle then attack. Your two-sword ability should kill Weigraff in one turn and Velius will be dispatched before anyone else even gets a turn. This should make what was the hardest battle in the game quite simple. Good luck!
Taurus, Found hidden in Goug Machine city. Gemini, acquired after beating Duke Elmdor in Limberry castle. Cancer, acquired after beating the steel giant. Libra, in the possession of thunder god Cid. Scorpio, acquired after vanquishing Draclau. Sagittarius, The high priest gives this stone to Meliadoul. Capricorn, Acquired after defeating Dycedarg. Aquarius, found in the deep coal mine in Goland. Pisces, given to Alma by Izlude while he was dying. Serpentarious, Elidibs has it in the last deep dungeon level. Leo, this stone is acquired by killing Vormav. Virgo, Altima possess the last stone in the Graveyard of Airships.
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