Hold Up + Triangle + L2 + R2 when the PlayStation logo appears. Note this only works on the Japanese version!
Hold Down + X + L2 + R1 when the PlayStation logo appears. Note this only works on the Japanese version!
In Battle/Tournament mode, hold down R1 + R2 + Left + Down at the same time until Fake Crash's icon appears. Note this only works on the Japanese version!
Crash: Good at attacking.
Coco: Good at attacking.
Tiny: Good at throwing.
Koala Kong: Good at throwing.
Rilla Roo: Good at attacking.
Dingodile: Good at attacking.
Cortex: Good at throwing.
N. Brio: Good at throwing. |
Submitted by falkenInfinite points in Mallet Mash
Pause the game and press [Up] , [Down] ,[Square] , [Triangle] and then unpause the game.
Go to Warp Room one and press Triangle, Circle, Left(2), Square + R1, Triangle + R2, Start, Select, Circle, X(2). All levels should now be unlocked.
After you defeat the last Boss you can go to the 5 War Room. If you win one of the cups, the Gold Relic race and a Platinum Relic race will be unlocked. Defeat the champion of this course three times. You can jump back to other worlds and do the Platinum Race after you have the Gold Relic.
When you get to "Warp Room 4", go back to any level you have already visited to find a relic (after you press X to chose that level). You will then play a harder version of that level. To actually defeat this level, you must win two times in a row.
Play 2-player Adventure mode and choose a good and a bad character to team up. When you finish the game, you will play a secret mini-game where the 2 characters have to fight.
Spyro: Year Of The Dragon demo
Hold R1 + L1 + Square and press Start at the opening screen.
Press Triangle to taunt your opponents. |
Submitted by falkenMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements