Pause the game, hold L1 and press Square, Circle, Up, Down, X, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a gunshot.
Pause the game. Hold L1 and press Square, Circle, X. Release L1 and a new option will appear. That option will allow you to warp to any check point in the stage.
To defeat War easily you must do these steps. First you must take out those two turrets then there will be an explosin. Start shooting at War. When he runs out of life energy he will turn into a giant. While your running instead of shooting him, use your bomb. Note: Only use your bomb when you're the explosive barrels. |
Submitted by DevinTo activate the Everlasting Smart Bomb press L1, L1, R1, R2 while your playing. This will launch a Smart Bomb that will never end untill It clears everyone in your path.
Pause the game, hold L1 and press Triangle, Circle, X, Square. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a gunshot.
Pause the game, hold L1 and press Triangle, Up, X, Down. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a gunshot. Then, select "Exit" to return to the main menu with a new option.
Pause the game, hold L1 and press Square, X, Triangle, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a gunshot.
Skip to last place of death
Pause the game, hold L1 and press Square, Circle, X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a gunshot.
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