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Effect - Code God mode - zaxgod All weapons - zaxweapons Unlimited ammunition - zaxuw
Now one takes a Entpacker, e.g. the program WINACE, and unpacked the two files into the Zax directory. Then the directory structure looks about in such a way: (DIR) DATA (DIR) GERMAN (DIR) SaveGAMES DATA.zip GERMAN.zip etc.. Now one can modify different values with an text editor: FOR WEAPONS / ARTICLES (DIR) DATA/Inventory/Item definition / for example ammunition (Bullets.TXT) ZAXCInventorycItemcDefinition Icon Image=Semi auto Ammo Icon generator Icon Image=!None Inventory Type=Ammunition default Inventory Item=CAmmunitionInventoryItem Definition Index=Bullets Current Delay=0 Broadcaster = Marked For Deletion=0 Currently Selected=0 Rounds=999; the balls max of Rounds=999;Max. Number of Pickup If Full=0 Shot Flash=!Unknown Model Ammunition=!None max of Shoot Angle=10 Strike Damage=0 Strike Damage Type=Normal Strike Damage Radius=10 Discharge Sequence=Shoot1 Energy=0; energy consumption Rounds Needed=1 new Shot Action = Shot Sound=!None.wav Projectile=!Unknown Model Num Projectile=Array Array Count=0 Reuse Delay=0.3 Place Button=0 Place Button Label= Place Button Action= Disable Button=0 Disable Button Label= Disable Button Action= Use Button=0 Use Button Label= Use Button Action= Undefined=0 Undefined Button Label= Undefined Button Action= PowerUp Model=Items/Weapons/Power Ups/PU Semi Auto Ammo Ingredient 1 Quantity=15 ;price 0=free Ingredient 1 Type=Crystals Ingredient 2 Quantity=5 ;prize 0=free Ingredient 2 Type=Ore Deposits Ingredient 3 Quantity=0 Ingredient 3 Type=!None Must be discovered fist=1 HUD Renderer= Detail Renderer=CAmmunitionInventoryDetailRenderer Detail Image=Semi Auto Ammo HUD Image=!None InventoryItem Specific Data= Switch Inventory Sound=!None.wav Max Count=999 ; Number of balls Required Item=!None Item Priority=0 UNVERWUNDBARKEIT (DIR) DATA/Resources/Dificulty Types/ zb. mode sees so in the Easy out: CLevelOfDifficulty Human Readable Name=Easy Enemy Damage Percent=3 Player Damage Percent=0 ; 0=GOD MODUS Weapon Drain Percent=0 Weapon Get Pickup Percent=0 Shield Drain Percent=0 Shield Get Pickup Percent=0
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