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Tip 2: There is a way to cut down on terrraforming costs (Explanation below) Tip 3: Plan out your buildings without using the auto-build option enabled in the construction menu Tip 4: When building aggregate production, plan out where your conveyors go and use them where ever possible. Transporting e.g. 210 t of coal ore is hard to achieve with only trucks at the beginning. Tip 5: Build gravel processing near your quarries to cut down on transport time/costs Tip 6: Remember that if you import electricity and reach zero money, your production stops entirely, so Tip 7: always keep a couple of thousand in your bank account Tip 8: A great way to save a lot of money is to play on the populated map and relocate the citizens from the prepuilt towns to your apartments, rather than inviting them. Dont forget to uncheck the auto-invite option before building the residence. Tip 9: Get familiar with the workplace choosing mechanic. Citizens will first populate workplace reachable by foot before heading to bus/train stations. Keep the waiting capacity of stations in mind. Tip 10: Be cautious about expanding to fast into new industries. You rather should choose one chain of industry and getting enough workers to get it working properly before building new stuff.
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