Toggle mission timer time toggle
Kill all enemy units on map get off my land
1000 extra power show me the power
Unlimited power whale fin
Mission skip hallo mein schatz
All active research completed work harder
All units twice as powerful double up
View frame rate and graphics engine data timedemo
Kill selected units kill selected
Toggle between snow, rain, and clear skies john kettley
Easy difficulty level easy
Normal difficulty level normal
Hard difficulty level hard
View game compilation date version
Display programmer message carol vorderman
Units almost indestructible biffer baker
Stronger units sparkle green
Toggles screen shaking when unit explodes shakey
Display game speed how fast |
Submitted by BradyDestroy all enemy units in sight
Type T to bring up chat,then type: get off my land |
Submitted by Shad skeensDestroy Long Range Defenses
When you have tech level 3... With VTOL, destroy long range defenses in enemy base (mortar, bombard, howitzer...), start destroying energy generator to stop oil production for a while. In this time, prepare a cyborg transport, 4 laser cyborg, 4 scourge cyborg and 2 repair cyborg. Send the transport and cyborgs near the enemy base (behind is better) and start destruction... For easier use create two groups with cyborgs: 1 with laser, the second with scourge.
When you activate the debug mode you can press CTRL + O to build any structures and units including enemy structures.
Build a few vehicles with the heavy weapons you would use as ground installations, they are mobile and cheaper than the structures. They have limited use though so dont replace your base with vehicles. they do a good job of defence until you have something better than machene guns.
Tip 1: The scenarios are filled with lots of base assaults and very nested defenses. As soon as you get the chance, create an artillery group slaved to a sensor vehicle and use it to bombard static defenses. Have an antitank group close at hand to protect your artillery when the AI charges out to kill the artillery group.
Tip 2: Defending against assaults is the other big scenario challenge. When you establish your new base area at the beginning of each of the three campaigns, start building up defenses slowly around your main base, around oil wells, and at natural choke points. Build when you have the extra resources lying around and keep doing so, because you will need the added units eventually.
Tip 3: Learn how to use the dreaded clock timer to your advantage. Stop just short of the scenario victory condition and let your resources pile up as the clock runs down. You can also use the time to build up your forces and defenses. Just don't wait too long and blow the mission.
Type T to bring up chat,then type in timetoggle. |
Submitted by Shad skeensDon't ever finish your mission with a lot of spare time. Instead, use the spare time to research artifacts and to fortify you base.
Hit the T button then type biffer baker. |
Submitted by Andrew
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