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TIGERLILY = Enables jumps between levels by typing HUMANx or ORC x ORCx or HUMANx = By typing in either ORC or HUMAN followed by a number from 1 to 12, this cheat will immediately jump you to that scenario in the campaign. Must enter the TIGERLILY cheat before you can use this cheat GLITTERING PRIZES = Adds gold and lumber to your resources. VALDEZ = Adds oil to your resources. DECK ME OUT = Upgrades all technologies immediately. EVERY LITTLE THING SHE DOES = Upgrades your magic users with all spells. HATCHET, AXE AND SAW = Dramatically increases lumber harvesting speed. ON SCREEN = Displays the entire map area. MAKE IT SO = All buildings, units, and upgrades are built at an accelerated rate. IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE = All of yours units are invulnerable, except to a direct Catapult hit, and will inflict 255 points of damage on each enemy they hit. UNITE THE CLANS = Instant Victory. YOU PITIFUL WORM = Instant Defeat. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE = Jump to finale movie. NEVER A WINNER = Removes victory. SPYCOB = 5000 Extra Oil.
FASTDEMO: Demo scenes at main menu start faster. NETPROOF: Watch a laser show on your computer. NOGLUES: Disables all enemy magical traps. TITLE: Units travel faster. (very helpful for boats) UCLA: Displays "Go Bruins" on the screen. | Submitted by Maze
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