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Unreal Tournament 3

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Unreal Tournament 3 on PC

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Unreal Tournament 3 Cheats

Press [F10] to display the console window, remove the "say" command, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.


Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "UTCustomChar.ini" file in the "/My Games/Unreal Tournament 3/UTGame/Config/" directory. Add the following line at the end of the section with the "Parts=(Part=PART_Head," entry:

Parts=(Part=PART_Head, ObjectName="CH_Corrupt_Male.Mesh. SK_CH_Corrupt_Male_Head05", PartID="E",FamilyID="LIAM")

Then add the following line at the end of the section with the "Characters=(CharName=," entry:

Characters=(CharName="NewCorrupt",Description="", CharID="N",bLocked="false",Faction="Liandri", PreviewImageMarkup="", CharData=(FamilyID="LIAM",HeadID="E",FacemaskID="A",TorsoID="A",ShoPadID="A", bHasLeftShoPad=True, bHasRightShoPad=True,ArmsID="A",ThighsID="A",BootsID="A"))

Press ~ or [Tab] to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.


F10 brings up the ingame console. I found it in My Documents, My Games, Unreal Tournamenr 3, UTGame, UTInput configuration settings it is listed as F10. It works! | Submitted by ClintVetor

Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "UTCustomChar.ini" file in the "/My Games/Unreal Tournament 3/UTGame/Config/" directory. Locate the line for "Johnson" and overwrite it with the following line:

Characters=(CharName="Johnson",Description="An ex-military soldier jumped into the Tournaments after shell-shock and repressed trauma took too heavy a toll on his mind. He is competent, but volitile.",CharID="F",bLocked="false",Faction="Ironguard", PreviewImageMarkup= "",CharData=(FamilyID="IRNM",HeadID="D",TorsoID="B",ShoPadID="B", bHasLeftShoPad=true,bHasRightShoPad=true,ArmsID="A",ThighsID="B",BootsID="B"))

Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "UTCustomChar.ini" file in the "/My Games/Unreal Tournament 3/UTGame/Config/" directory. Add the following line at the shoulder pad parts section.

Parts=(Part=PART_ShoPad,ObjectName="CH_Necris_Male1.Mesh.SK_CH_Necris_Male_XShoPad03", PartID="C",FamilyID="NECM")

Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "UTCustomChar.ini" file in the "/My Games/Unreal Tournament 3/UTGame/Config/" directory. Overwrite the line for "Kensai" with the following:

Characters=(CharName="Kensai",Description="", CharID="F",bLocked="false",Faction="TwinSouls", PreviewImageMarkup="",CharData=(FamilyID="TWIM", HeadID="A", TorsoID="C",ShoPadID="E",bHasLeftShoPad=true, bHasRightShoPad=true,ArmsID="B",ThighsID="C",BootsID="D"))

Add the following line at the shoulder pad parts section.

Parts=(Part=PART_ShoPad, ObjectName="CH_RTeam_Male.Mesh.SK_CH_RTeam_Male_XShoPad07", PartID="G",FamilyID="TWIM")

Add the following line at the boots parts section.

Parts=(Part=PART_Boots, ObjectName="CH_RTeam_Male.Mesh.SK_CH_RTeam_Male_Boots05", PartID="E",FamilyID="TWIM")

Add the following line at the arms parts section.

Parts=(Part=PART_Arms,ObjectName="CH_RTeam_Male.Mesh.SK_CH_RTeam_Male_Arms05", PartID="E",FamilyID="TWIM")

Use one of the following entries with the summon code.


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character.

Lauren: Always select the second choice for all missions. Kill Lauren in Deathmatch in Chapter 2 of Campaign mode. Lauren will eventually become unlocked after a subsequent Deathmatch in that chapter.
Scythe: Always select the second choice for all missions. Kill Scythe in Deathmatch in Chapter 4 of Campaign mode. Scythe will eventually become unlocked after a subsequent Deathmatch in that chapter.
Matrix: Always select the second choice for all missions. Kill Matrix in Deathmatch in Chapter 3 of Campaign mode. Matrix will become unlocked after a side mission in Chapter 3 in that chapter.
Akasha: Kill Akasha in the final mission.
Loque: Unlocked after a Capture The Flag match in Chapter 5.
Damian: Unlocked in Chapter 4 of Campagin mode.
Kragoth: Unlocked in Chapter 4 of Campagin mode.
Malakai: Unlocked in Chapter 4 of Campagin mode.

Click the "Unlock Character" button at the character selection screen then enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding character.


Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock

Press [Tab] during a match and enter unlockallchars. A message stating that a new character has been unlocked will appear . Go to "Settings", then "Player", then "Edit Character" to select someone other than Malcom.

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