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4x backward: Booster (rapid health regeneration; if you reaches 199 health, it regenerates your armor up to 150. Afterwards, it does nothing). Marked with green crosses around you. 2x left, 2x right: Invisibility (self-explaining). 2x forward, 2x backward: Berserk (weapons does higher damage). Marked with red shell around you. In instant action matches, there are 2 extra combos enabled by a mutator and invoked by 4x left /4x right. The Quad Jump(mutator), although it is four keyed, does not count a combo. All the combos listed here are built-in gameplay elements, thus they do not count as cheating, so feel free to use (or don't use) them, although the console cheats prevents unlocking Malcolm and Xan for non-Tournament matches. | Submitted by amitakartok
allammo - 999 Ammo For Every Weapon loaded - All weapons god - Infinite Health fly - Flight mode behindview 1 - Third person view ghost - Walk through walls
(Bot name) Dance: Bot will dance (Bot name) Jump: Bot will jump up and down (Bot name) Get out: Bot will leave the vehicle they it is in (Bot name) Taunt: Bot will taunt opponents
Code - Result behindview 0 - 1st person view behindview 1 - 3rd person view allammo - 999 Ammo For Every Weapon addbots # - add the numbers of bots specified loaded - All weapons allweapons - all weapons(not full ammunition) stat audio - audio stats FOV # - changes "Field of View" to specified number (in degrees) setname (name) - changes player name setres WxHxD (example - 800x600x32) - Changes resolution to the specified values switchteam - changes team suicide - commits suicide stat - all displays all stats quit - exits game entirely exit - Exits the game entirely playersonly - freeze time (type again to unfreeze) stat game - game statistics god - Infinite Health killbots - kills all bots stat net - network play statistics open (mapname) - opens specified map setgravity # - set amount of gravity setjumpz # - set height of jumps setspeed # - set speed of gameplay stat fps - shows "Frames per Second" slowmo # - slow motion summon xweapons.redeemerpickup - spawns a redeemer summon xweapons.assaultriflepickup - spawns assault rifle summon onslaught.onsavrilpickup - spawns AVRiL summon xweapons.bioriflepickup - spawns bio rifle summon xweapons.flakcannonpickup - spawns flak cannon summon onslaught.onsgrenadepickup - spawns Grenade Launcher summon xweapons.painterpickup - spawns ion painter summon xweapons.sniperriflepickup - spawns lightning gun summon xweapons.linkgunpickup - spawns link gun summon onslaught.onsminelayerpickup - spawns Mine Layer summon xweapons.minigunpickup - spawns minigun summon xweapons.rocketlauncherpickup - spawns rocket launcher summon xweapons.shieldgunpickup - spawns Shield Gun summon xweapons.shockriflepickup - spawns shock rifle summon utclassic.classicsniperriflepickup - spawns Sniper Rifle summon Onslaught.ONSHoverTank Summon a Goliath summon Onslaught.ONSPRV Summon a Hellbender summon xweapons.supershockriflepickup summon a instagib shock rifle summon OnslaughtFull.ONSMobileAssaultStation Summon a Leviathan Tank summon Onslaught.ONSHoverBike - Summon a Manta summon Onslaught.ONSAttackCraft - Summon a Raptor summon Onslaught.ONSRV - Summon a Scorpion summon OnslaughtFull.ONSGenericSD - Summons the toilet car togglefullscreen - switchs between fullscreen and windowed mode walk - tunrs fly off; you will fall from the sky. stat none - turn off stats ghost - Turns off clipping and gravity for the player fly - You character can fly through the air as though you are in "flyby" mode teleport - You will be teleported to the location on your crosshairs
skipmatch Note: In order for this to work, cheats have to be enabled and you have to hit fire to start the match.
While playing a skirmish game when you have ammo less then 10 rounds you don't have to go looking around for ammo. Simply drop your weapon and pick it back up and you will have full ammo again. | Submitted by Jason
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