When you are on the high spped assault level with the helicopter. When you are defending and you are in the small rooms that you respawn in go to one of the mirrors and shoot at it with the ripper and it will look like it has gone through the mirror and came back out. Not so helpful but it is cool! |
Submitted by DeeJayPick a gun, any gun except the impact hammer. I.E.Double Enforcer. Push the trigger and then Esc. Once you have done that release the trigger then press Esc again now you should be able to shoot without pressing the trigger. And it wont stop untill you press the trigger again or run out of ammo! |
Submitted by CidHighwindDefeating Enemies By Yourself with cheats
When your in a map called Crane, Use two Mutators, Rocket Launcher Mode and UT G.O.T.Y. Chaos Mode, the UT G.O.T.Y. Chaos Mode is a mode that you have a field that its defence is thick that can save you in a long time, you can only get this mode when you have the UT G.O.T.Y. Edition. Now Here how it works, 1st use cheats God and Fly after you click, second, Blast your Allies off the building, if there is a message that says [Ally's Name] just dump his on self, do it again with the order Cover Me until they don't die while reachin the down floor that has red and blue lights, then Kill the enemies, if it blast of the building, follow him/her down then kill him/her, but if it says [Enemy's Name] just dump his on self, then find them again, if your out of ammo and picked up an ammo, it won't add ammo to your rocket laucher, just get another rocket laucher and there you go, full ammo. |
Submitted by wwegamerdudeEasy Cheat Mode (Same in Splinter Cell)
Go to UnrealTournament\System\User.Ini (the file is a configuration file, use Notepad), then Find a Blank key or Keys ( For examples: R=,U=, or 7=), put the cheats you desired.
Here are 3 examples (I REPEAT,THIS ARE EXAMPLES):
Press the key you put it on a cheat, like U=AllAmmo,then at the game when you press U, all of your weapons ammo comes a total of 999 (This is an example, Not automatic).
Try it! Thanks to CheatingDome, That gave me the idea when I went to the Splinter Cell Cheats. I tried it and it works. |
Submitted by GamerDudeHere are two tips for making your game easier:
1. In a team game (DOM, CTF or AS), use spectator mode to set orders. You can even fly around the map and order them to "Hold This Position"!
2. In a Domination game, use the "playersonly" cheat to freeze time, then capture all the bases, then turn the "playersonly" cheat off. This ensures a good few points for your team. |
Submitted by HarryZUse a text editor to edit the "user.ini" file in the game directory. Add the following lines:
Kill all opponents and your team (except yourself)
Start a game ( best in capture the flag and domination, in others it won't work ) bring down the cheat console ( press ~ ) then type 'iamtheone,then type killpawns. This kills all opponents. |
Submitted by TomHere are some strategies for some of the Tournament levels:
DM-Stalwart - In the garage with the Pulse Gun (NOT the Flak Cannon), a solitary crate by the windows can be opened. A Big Keg o' Health is inside.
DM-Fractal - In the centre of the arena, on the trapdoor is a Shield Belt. Always camp near this and don't let Luthienne anywhere near it.
DOM-Condemned - On the rooftop, to the left of the Garage Point is a broken window. Inside is another Big Keg o' Health.
CTF-Niven - Under the large ramps in the area with the big gears, you can find both kinds of armour.
CTF-Face (Facing Worlds) - Search the teleporters for two Sniper Rifles and a Redeemer.
AS-Frigate - Get your bots to attack the base, then dive into the water. Swim under the Frigate and in via the lower room with the Flak Cannon. |
Submitted by HarryZThe following codes are for SINGLE PLAYER ONLY. Press ` to bring down the console, then type:
Code | Result
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| - Kills All Enemies of a Certain [class]
| - Freezes Time, Type Again to UnFreeze
| - View Character from Behind
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| - Summon Item (see list below)
At any stage in gameplay, press the ~ button (you dont have to hold shift) and a window will come up. Yype in the window, suicide. You will die immediately. |
Submitted by ReepaMore Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements