Aboard The Atlantis: A few laughs
This trick can be done at any time you are on the Atlantis. Get to the main deck (same deck as the bridge and living quarters). At the back of the deck is an open floor panel. Go in it and look for another secret button. They are difficult to find, so keep looking. Press it to make Lincoln and Grant appear and laugh at you.
Aboard The Atlantis: Artifacts
This can only be done after your first mission (Sanctuary). After acquiring a artifact, go in the weapons locker (where you get information on weapons, where Isaak works; across the hall from the briefing room. Look on the desk behind and to the left of Isaak. All collected artifacts will appear here.
Aboard The Atlantis: Flash Bang
This trick can be done at any time you are on the Atlantis. In the weapons locker (Isaak's weapons room, where you go get information on the weapons; across from the briefing room), near the entrance on Isaak's desk is a secret button. Pressing the button will make Isaak say "Flash Bang" and an EMP blast will appear.
Aboard The Atlantis: License plate
This trick can be done at any time you are on the Atlantis. Go into your quarters. You will know that it is your quarters if you see some military uniforms inside the locker. Go to where your locker is located. Enable the ghost code and move around to position yourself so you can see the back of the locker. There is a license plate with the word "Sea Goat" on it. Make sure you are inside the ship before you disable the code by using the walk code.
Aboard The Atlantis: Lots of pictures
After the Dam mission, you will get your briefing for "Kalydon" by Ne'Ban. When he tries to use the holotank, he will fail. However ten to fifteen images will appear very quickly. Enabel the slomo -1 code to try and see most of them. Use slomo 1 to return to normal speed afterwards.
Aboard The Atlantis: Photo album
This trick can be done at any time you are on the Atlantis. Go into your quarters (you will see your belongings). Look on the wall/large screen. There is a new picture every time you finish a level. It is a picture of the level.
Aboard The Atlantis: Sea Goat hologram
This trick can be done at any time you are on the Atlantis. In the briefing room, to the left keyboard of the holotank is a secret button. Secret buttons are difficult to find. They are orange in color and the information reads "Secret Button". Press it to make a Sea Goat appear. The first time, it makes the Sea Goat expand. The second time makes the Sea Goat shrink.
Aboard The Atlantis: Secret distress call
This trick is done immediately after the training mission but before the briefing. This secret modifies the briefing. After getting up to the ship, look at the hatches on the main deck. This is the deck where the bridge and all the living quarters are located. Looking where the drop ship bay is found (on the main deck), to the left is a hatch just before you turn the corner. Open the hatch to find a Seagoat. You can interact with it by "using" it. Enter the following responses in this exact order: "Spam", "Spam", "Spam", "HumBug". You will see a "Lincoln is pleased" message. Go to the second deck to your briefing. Pay close attention to the distress call.
Aboard The Atlantis: Wandering Sea Goat
This can only be done after the Swamp mission (the mission after Sanctuary). Walk around the ship and look for a Sea Goat. Find it twice. then Dalton (you, the player) can interact with it. It will make Dalton say one thing. Then, after another mission, he changes his comment but you will have to find it twice again.
Avalon (training mission): Secret Nali shooting range
When its time to mantle onto the higher block in training, jump over the fence to your right. You should see an open crate with a weird head inside. Pick it up to get a "You unlocked the secret shooting range" message. When its time to test the weapons, specifically the grenade launcher, move to the left (as if there was another weapon to try out). Another shooting range will be unlocked. It is Nali. The cardboard figures even talk when you kill them.
While playing, press ~ to open the game console.
Enter one of the following instructions:
Instruction - Effect
BeMyMonkey() - Toggle Cheat Mode
God() - Toggle God Mode
Invisible() - Toggle Invisibility
Loaded() - Get all weapons
AllAmmo()- Give player ammo for all weapons
GodEx(X) - Toggle God Mode for the given actor
Phoenix() - Toggle Phoenix Powersuit
FearMe()- Enemy now fears you
Ghost()- Ghost Mode
Fly()- Fly Mode
Amphibious()- Underwater mode
Walk() - Normal, walking mode
SloMo(#) - Game Slomotion
SetJumpZ(#) - Set jump height
ToggleInfiniteAmmo() - Toggle Infinite Ammo
ToggleReloads() - Toggle Reloads
ToggleInvisibility()- Toggle Invisibility
Teleport() - Teleport to the spot the player is looking at
NextLevel() - Skip to next level
Open(x) - Open Map x
ToggleSpeed() - Double speed
SetSpeed(#) - Set player speed
ChangeSize(#) - Change Players Size
TogglePawnInvulnerability(P) - Toggle god mode on given pawn
Goodies(#, #) - Summon an array of goodies
Sum(x)- Summon Item X
Actors() - Full actor list
GotoActor(Name)- Change Location to the given Actor
Damage(#, Target) - Damage given target by the specified amount
DamageNPCs(#) - Damage NPC's by the given amount
SetHealth(#, Target) - Set health to the given amount for target
SetMyHealth(#) - Set player health to the given amount
HurtMe(#)- Hurt the player by the specified amount
ManCannon(#)- Gives all visible pawns damage
ToggleServos() - Toggle Animation Servos
ShowTeams() - Show player teams
Difficulty(#) - Change game difficulty
CheatView(x)- See what actor x's view is
ViewSelf() - Target Camera on player
ToggleTimeDemo() - Enable time demo
ToggleScoreBoard()- Toggle Score board
EnableFreeOrders(0/1)- Toggle Free Orders
BehindView()- Toggle Behind View
SetParticleDensity(#)- Set Particle Density
ToggleImpacts()- Toggle Impacts
SetWeaponTick(0/1)- Toggle Weapon tick code
SetWeaponFire(0/1)- Toggle Weapon firing
ToggleShowAll()- Show all hidden actors
ToggleShowKPs()- Show all keypoints
ToggleShowNPs()- Show all nagivation points
ToggleRMode() - Toggle RMode
SetEyeHeigth() - Set player eye height
KillActor(x)- Kill actor X
KillHitActor() - Kill actor under crosshair
KillHitNPC()- Kill NPC under crosshair
KillActiveNPCS() - Kill all active NPCS
KillDormantnPCS() - Kill all dormant NPCS
GibAllNPCS()- Gib all NPCs
GibHitNPC() - Gib the NPC under the crosshair
PO() - Toggle players only
ToggleFreezeView()- Toggle Freeze View
ToggleHUD() - Toggle HUD
SetCameraDist(#) - Set camera distance
FreeCamera(0/1)- Toggle free camera movement
Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "user.ini" file in the game folder. Change the value for the "CheatsEnabled" line to "true". The previously listed console commands can now be activated.
This trick is very useful when getting the last of the artifacts. Enable the behindview 1 code ti be able to see your entire body instead of just what is in front of you. Hold [Crouch] + [Jump] and move in any direction while holding them down. You will crawl around and can go underneath other places. You can even sneak up on enemies.
Enable the Goodies 6 6 code to get the Izarian Shock Lance. It is the best weapon against the Drakk because of its alternate fire. One hit will destroy the drones and two hits will finish off any Drakk that goes into its reformation pod to fix itself. The EMP grenades work as well, but the factor of gravity and timing makes the Shock Lance a better choice.
Bind the following command to a key" Teleport | OnRelease UnTeleport. Doing so will make you teleport in the direction you looking at, until it reaches a blocked or impassable area such as a wall or locked door. When you release the key, it will "unteleport" and allow you to move again.
When you get the "Spider Gun" from Isaak, shoot in secondary fire mode. It will shoot out a small egg. If an enemy gets close to it, the egg will split and shoot Araknids on your opponent. However if you shoot the egg with primary fire, the egg will enlarge and a larger Araknid will appear. You can also get a bigger Araknid by holding [Alt] + [Fire] for a few seconds, then shooting it.
While flying about the heart of the Drakk structure in the NC962VIII mission (the part that has an open roof, just before you face the Caretaker, where you also face the end result of the Drakk experiments), you can find a second life support tank with a seemingly live Skaarj suspended in the middle. Approach it and Dalton will say "The experiments resulted in JUICE!", with the word "JUICE" at the bottom of the screen. In front of the tank are a few health/shield packs and EMP grenades. The area is not inaccessible by walking. There is a large beam to your right when facing the center of the room. Stand at the top of the ramp that leads down into the lower level of the area. Between the upper end of the ramp and the moat surrounding the gravity lift, to the immediate left of this beam, over the edge of the moat and down a small distance, are five small protrusions that lead under the beam. Looks are deceiving -- no jumping is required to move between these protrusions as long as the player stays close to the moat's outer wall. They function like steps with a very small landing at the lowest point. On the other side of the beam, they lead upwards to a space between two beams. At the end farthest from the gravity lift is the aforementioned life support tank.
Secret Interlude: Balloon mania
Save the game before attempting this trick. The only way to get back from this is to load a saved game. At any time, type the open atlantis?missioncompleted=110276 code and press [Enter]. This will load another secret interlude. This time, it is in your cabin/living quarters. They are filled with floating Sea Goat and Lincoln balloons. There are more balloons outside your cabin.
Secret Interlude: Dance party
Save the game before attempting this trick. The only way to get back from this is to load a saved game. At any time, type the open atlantis?missioncompleted=83 code and press [Enter]. This will load a secret interlude that features lots of Sea Goats dancing on the bridge of the Atlantis, with balloons and a shiny Unreal Logo.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements