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To get the bonus stadiums, at the stadium select screen type 1,2,1,2,ctrl,2,1. To make the EA dream team play in their underwear, at the team select screen type 1,2,1,2,shift,ctrl twice and at the stadium select screen type the same code once. To hit a monster home run, before the pitch is thrown hold down 1,2,3,4 and type up, space, left, right, shift, alt, control. when you swing hit up shift. To make the crowd boo during the game hold down 1,2,3,4 and type down, ctrl, down, ctrl, ctrl. To make the crowd cheer during the game hold down 1,2,3,4 and type down, ctrl, down, ctrl, shift. To make the crowd go "aww" during the game hold down 1,2,3,4 and type down, ctrl, down, ctrl, alt. | Submitted by Baseball Boy
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