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Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Trespasser on PC

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Trespasser Cheats

To use these cheats, do the following: while playing, hold Ctrl and F11. Then type these in.
woo-unlimited ammo
bionicwoman-higher jumps, but slower running
loc-displays location
win-view ending movie
gore 2-increases gore level
dinos-pauses dinosaurs
bones-shows outline of objects you cn interact with
tnext-trasnports you to important locations on current level
gore-causes fatal error
sort-same as gore
imouse-unknown | Submitted by Spencer

During the game press crtl and f11 at the same time. A little bar comes up where you can type stuff. Type:BIG 1's(it must be capital)then restart the level. type in:REALLY BIG 1's.then,restart the level again,and with the mouse look down at her chest and there will be a different tatoo showing health gauge plus she will have no shirt on exposing PHAT A$$ titties. | Submitted by William Fong

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