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Here are all the gags for ALL the gag tracks: Toon-Up level 1 feather level 2 joke megaphone level 3 lipstick level 4 dance level 5 pixie dust level 6 juggling level 7* high dive Trap** level 1 banana peel LOLOLOLOL level 2 rake level 3 marbles level 4 quicksand level 5 trapdoor level 6 TNT level 7* train tracks Lure level 1 $1 bill level 2 small magnet level 3 $5 bill level 4 big magnet level 5 $10 bill level 6 hypno-goggles level 7* presentation Sound*** level 1 bike horn level 2 whistle level 3 bugle level 4 aoohga (I don't know what it means either) level 5 elephant level 6 fog horn level 7* opera voice Throw level 1 cupcake^ level 2 fruit pie slice level 3 cream pie slice level 4 whole fruit pie level 5 whole cream pie level 6 birthday cake level 7* wedding cake Squirt level 1 squirting flower^ level 2 glass of water level 3 squirt gun level 4 seltzer bottle level 5 fire hose level 6 storm cloud level 7* geyser Drop level 1 flower pot level 2 sandbag level 3 anvil level 4 1 ton weight level 5 safe level 6 grand piano level 7* ocean cruiser *Level 7 gags are accessed by earning 10000 experience points. You can only carry one at a time, but they are super-powerful, they affect all cogs, and after you use one you need 500 more exp. points for another. You can also not buy them in gag stores - but you can plant them. **Trap gags are useless unless you or another toon has lure. The cog must move forward to fall for the trap. ***Sound gags will take cogs out of their lured position. ^ Default gag - you get it at the start. | Submitted by NathanJ
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