In order to get a 100% rating on any mission, you must complete the level with the following statistics. It is unknown at this time if there is a reward for getting a 100% rating on every mission.
Enemies killed: 0
Civilians killed: 0
Bodies found: 0
Times identified as intruder: 0
Alarms sounded: 0
Alternate way to retrieve the radio data in Lighthouse
During the mission you will have to overhear some data being said on a radio transmission by a guard. If you fail to do this, you can just find the data in a filing cabinet next to the radio.
Bathhouse: Alternate Shetland Death
At the end of the level, Shetland and Sam will be on top of a roof with their guns pointed at each other. After a short conversation, Shetland will put his gun away and say "You wouldn't shoot an old friend". You are given a choice, shoot or put your gun away. If you shoot, Shetland will stumble backwards and the intermission sequence for the level's ending will play. However if you put your gun away, Shetland will quickly pull his gun out and point it at Sam. Sam will duck his weapon and stab Shetland in the stomach before throwing him. This will then start the same ending sequence.
Bathhouse: Finding the bombs
After going through the gate when chasing Shetland, the first bomb is directly to the left of the gate that you enter. Go left through a little crevice and you should see a red light flashing. Go to it and disarm it. When you do that, one of Shetland's gaurds will walk up the stairs. Kill him. To get to the second bomb, go up the stairs. Turn left then turn right and look straight ahead. You should see another red flashing light down below the walkway. Hop over the ledge of the railing and disarm the second bomb. When you are done disarming the bomb, jump on to the railing and pull yourself up. Two guards will be to your left, walking on the walkway. They will probably hear you; get ready to kill them. It is fairly difficult to kill them without losing a lot of life, or at least dying. After you kill them, go down the walkway to the back wall. About halfway you will see another red flashing light. Jump across the little gap and disarm it. A guard will come through the back door right when you disarm the bomb. Kill him, then go through the door and meet Shetland. You will then have to make a critical choice; note: pull the trigger. It would be a good idea to quicksave the game whenever you disarm and kill the guards.
Bouncing guard in Penthouse
On the ground floor after you have knocked out two guards (the one who is repairing the elevator and the other one that is talking to him), put one or more of the guards in the elevator with Sam. Sam must turn on his night vision and press the button to go to the top floor. Watch the guard's body bounce around like popcorn.
Cameras that do not use thermographic vision can be be fooled by shooting out all the ambient and direct light sources to darken the area. As long as the light meter is completely dark, these normal cameras cannot see your spy.
Have your sniper zoomed-in on the guard. When there is a fight, shoot, run, and catch Shetland. Then, end the mission.
Use a text editor to edit the "[profile name].ini" file in the "\documents and settings\all users\application data\ubisoft\tom clancy's splinter cell chaos theory\profiles\[profile name]" folder. Add the line. Bind one of the following codes to a function key as indicated, then press it during game play to toggle the corresponding cheat function. For example, make the corresponding changes to that file.
Effect - Code
Flight mode - fly
Get health - health
Get ammunition - ammo
Invisible to NPCs - invisible
Invincibility - invincible
Spawn airfoil round - summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround
Spawn flashbang - summon echeloningredient.eflashbang
Spawn frag grenade - summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade
Spawn smoke grenade - summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade
Spawn sticky camera - summon echeloningredient.estickycamera
Spawn sticky shocker - summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker
Spawn wallmine - summon echeloningredient.ewallmine
Displace International Milan Nedich Objective
Laser mic and record (by zooming in with the EEV) the conversation on the third floor when a merc is assigned to the penthouse by an executive (the room is first one on your right when you get off the elevators on the third floor). Aim the EEV (binoculars) at the glass. This is the only way to get credit for listening to the conversation.
Speak to the old man multiple times until the conversation clears and he walks to the area with two of the five tubes. With only three tubes to watch over, Fisher can hit the switch on the tubes as the lights above each tube go from green to orange. Hit the switch before they turn red and overheat to get past this part.
Complete the game successfully. Elite mode starts the game with only the knife and unloaded guns.
Get rid of the enemy on the top in Lighthouse
To get rid of the enemy on the top of the lighthouse, hang along the edge of the lighthouse. Get underneath him and select the command "Grab NPC". Sam Fisher will grab and throw him off the edge. From here you can watch him scream and fall to his death.
Hokkaido Milan Nedich Objecitve
Inspect the two SUVs' license plates either remotely (through Fisher's binoculars) or by interacting with them up close. Redding sheds some light on the real Milan Nedich.
Invisible laser beam in Bank
To avoid detection by the invisible laser trip wire in the entrance of the vault, closely examine the entrance with your thermal goggles on. Then, use your OCP to disable the laser emitter and walk out of the vault. By doing this, you can leave without sounding the alarm.
Mission 1: Lighthouse
No keypad locked doors
Mission 2: Cargo Ship
No keypad locked doors
Mission 3: Bank
Keypad to left security booth on first floor: 3624
Keypad to right security booth on first floor: 3624
Keypad to main security room: 2306
Keypad to treasurer's office: 8645
Keypad to bank's back door: 3901
Keypad before president's office: 3490
Keypad to safe in president's office: Code unknown, must be hacked
Mission 4: Penthouse
Keypad To Dvorak Room: 0280
Mission 5: Displace
Keypad to door between meeting room and lobby on second floor: 8136
Keypad to door between meeting room and lobby on first floor: 8136
Keypad to CEO's meeting room: 2346
Keypad to CEO's office: 2609
Keypad to fire escape: 3485
Keypad to central server room: 2109
Keypad to R&D server room: 9205
Mission 6: Hokkaido
No Keypad Locked Doors
Mission 7: Battery
Keypad to shipping area: 1879
Keypad to elevator: Code unknown, must be hacked
Mission 8: Seoul
No keypad locked doors
Mission 9: Bathhouse
Keypad to owner's office: 3650
Mission 10: Kokubo Sosho
Keypad To Server Room: 1945
Enemies in the Kokubo Sosho's (stage 10) basement have LTL (Less Than Lethal) stunguns. Interrogate any of the guards in the basement about their zapping toy for some amusing comments regarding ammunition. Take that Snake!
Metal Gear Solid reference in I-SDF Base
When you get to the lower floors in the I-SDF base, interrogate a guard. Sam will ask him about his LTL (less-than-lethal) weapon. The guard will tell Sam that the ammunition is some kind of electric round. Sam asks where he can find some. To this the guard replies: "It's not like you can shake me, and make my ammo drop on the floor". This is a reference to the Metal Gear Solid games, in which you can do just that.
Successfully complete the Lighthouse mission in solo mode to unlock a movie trailer.
Original Splinter Cell music in Seoul
When you begin the level, you will be in a kid's room. Immediately exit the room and go to the right. When you reach the end of the hall, in which the walls are blown away, turn to the right and enter a half-destroyed room. There should be a radio inside. Turn it on, and it will play the same music from the cafe from where you started near the Chinese Embassy 2 level on the original Splinter Cell.
During Stage 5, while infiltrating Displace International, Fisher will be able to come across two guards talking about another great UbiSoft hit the Prince of Persia Warrior Within. It is the small cafe next to a laser filled hallway, past a keypad locked door. A second way to access the room is through a vent, but about half the conversation is muffled due to Fisher being stuck inside a vent.
In the final level, go through the second checkpoint. There will be two guards talking in a room; one behind a desk and the other in front. Once you go through the two sheets used as a door, to your left will be a bench. Jump on it. Then, stand up so that you are not crouching and move the camera behind you. You will then be able to see inside of Sam's head.
If you move around with your gun drawn, the noise meter will not move. This is very useful when sneaking up on someone quickly.
Splinter Cell reference in Bathhouse
You must go through the warm baths at one point in the level. There are two guards here. Interrogate one of them and he will tell you that Shetland's elite guards have thermal goggles. He will also add that they will not do much good in steam, because steam is not fog, as in an abbatoir. This is a reference to the original Splinter Cell game, in which Abbatoir is a level.
Splinter Cell reference in Hokkaido
After you scan Milon Nedich's liscence plate and enter the building, you will overhear some guards talking about ninjas. One will be telling the other that he was stationed on an oil rig and that it was attacked by a ninja. This is a reference to the first Splinter Cell in which Sam is the ninja.
Splinter Cell reference in I-SDF Base
You can overhear a couple of guards talking in the main hall. One will say something about how guarding the place is just like guarding the CIA HQ; nobody would break in there. This is a reference to the original Splinter Cell, in which you must break into CIA headquarters.
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