When the seamen asks you to help do this:
Turn red valves clockwise until they can't be turned anymore.
Adjust Sea Water Pump level 1/2 to 3/4 open.
Maximize heat by main boiler control by 3/4.
Close steam valves until turbine power output is in the green zone.
Mr. Strauss' cufflink is in the First Class reception room. Go down in the lift (elevator). The cufflink is behind the cushion in the left chair.
First, go to boiler room 3 using the stairs right by Penny's cabin then solve the engineer's problem. Go through the doors until you reach boiler room 3. Talk to Vlad, say you will get his package, get the Rubyait and move it to a different chute. Get the packege, give it to Vlad then get the Rubiyait and leave.
First of all, you must have the necklace Georgia gave you on the deck. After that when you meet Charles on deck, say yes to visit the smoking room with him. He will tell you Georgia's necklace is fake. Say good bye and visit Sasha's cabin. Talk to the guy and he'll leave. Then shut off the power. Sasha will leave turn on the power and enter. You will find the Doll on his desk, simply much the numbers so they equal the number they are pointing to. Then open the thing up. Take the real ncklace and replace it with the fake. Then take it to the pursor.
Once you have gotten the keys to the cargo hold go to it the entrance is on the forcastle deck there will be a guard talk to him he will think you are the purser and will let you go in find the cargo room where the car is turn on the car lights and leave them on then click on the crate that the lights are shining on the painting should be there if not you didn't go fast enough thats all right you'll get it later.
To disarm the bomb in Zeitel's room put the left switch to #2.Next set the middle switch to #3.Then set the right switch to #3.Wait until the clock goes off,set the left switch to #1.Open the case with the key in it,get the key and click ok.Now exit the room.
When you begin the game, you will start out in a room in the year 1942, which is during World War II. In this room there will be a model Titanic and a book that has the word "Memories" written on it. Click on both of these items. After you have done this, walk over to the desk and click on the desk. Once this is done, you should hear a alarm that sounds like a tornado warning. It's a bomb.
When the ship is sinking, go to the first class louge and get the shawl from Ms. Limehouse. Then use the second class stairs to get to F-Deck. Then go down the steps right before the control room. You will find Vlad and say, "You can get him in to first class". Give him the shawl for the notebook and then return to the deck.
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