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The Mafia: If you are still cooperating with the Mafia, you will be able to sell your goods to the mafia and they will give you a percentage back. Say you send your officers to take down a drug lab - if done succesfully you will have drugs such as Heroin in your possession. You can take these to the Mafia to sell for a price. You will receive your money the next day. The amount of cash you get from these items depend on the items themselves, and can have a rather large range. You can sell a ficus plant for $5; or sell an assortment of automatic rifles for $15,000. It all varies on the goods you take. But be careful, as you will lose some of your reputation with City Hall if you do this everytime this option comes up, so be sure to take some items back to the Police Department. Furthermore, once you get the money from the Mafia, you have an option to share 50% with your staff - this is useful to keep a good standing with your staff members so they won't file reports against you (Will go into detail about this soon). Solving Crimes: Solving crimes can be a tedious task, but can also provide you with a nice bonus in your wallet. Plus it's good to see that you don't have investigations pending. These investigations can give you a few thousand dollars each, and provide some decent experience points for your detectives. This isn't the best method to get money, but it's practical and legal enough. Taking Down Gangs: This is by far the most effective method of gaining a decent amount of money. Although it does take time to take down a gang, the pay off is great. *Mid-Game Spoilers coming up* You can take down the Sands (if you side with them) through a rather long string of informants. Taking down their leader (Christopher Sands) will give you a fat paycheck of $200,000. Which will boost your money up to the $300,000 - $400,000 mark. The best part is that this is not the only gang you can take down - there are multiple gangs that are waiting to be destroyed. The payout will range from the size of the gang and their notoriety. The easiest gangs to take down (which will have about 2-3 informants, and 1 gang leader) will grant between $40,000 and $70,000 each. Random Calls: The Mid-Game is also the best time to be taking on random calls for money from clients and customers. This will require you sending your officers to these calls. A lot of which are highly beneficial in more than just a financial standpoint. Some will grant your officers +100 experience, a better reputation with your Officers etc. Of course, some of these can do the opposite: You can lose your officers for the rest of the day, your officers can quit and your officers can die (only from one I've seen). In the mid to late game, you'll be called by some medical clinic to test a new virus on 4 officers. From my playthrough only one of my officers died, and the other 3 were fine. I also got $80,000 from this one call alone. So this is definitely recommended to take. Smart Spending: Make sure that when you do spend money, that it's a wise investment. Using money through your associates is where the majority of your cash will go. This includes correcting mistakes, hiring new officers legally, firing officers legally, managing accounts, and many other things. Never use the private investigator to help you solve Investigations. $80,000 (I think) for a private detective is not worth it; if you're struggling with the investigations, just look it up on YouTube. Never purchase anything through the Church. It's useless and does absolutely nothing. The Price Range will be between $2,000 - $15,000 for absolutely nothing. As much as "praying for your officers" sounds cool, it's not. Avoid the Church at all costs - thankfully you can take down the church later on for Drug Trafficking and Production. (Which will give you a good $80,000 I think). | Submitted by Neto
The relationship between you and your officers isn't much anymore as they'll most likely wind up dead or fired within the week. However, if you're unfortunate enough to have an audit come in, or your officers try to expose you, then it becomes a problem. By this stage it's just easier to fire your officers. Or you can kill them off which may or may not create future problems for you. The late game is quite simplistic compared to the early and mid-game stages. You will practically be undoing everything you've worked to, as your only concern has been about the money the whole time. As heartbreaking as it was to see my favourite officer (who was there since the beginning of the game and had about 1200 experience) die in a car crash, I wasn't too sad as she was also plotting against me. By the end of the game you become an unecessary evil to survive. | Submitted by Neto
Future benefit for siding with the Sands: You'll be able to take down their gang later on, earning you a nice $200,000. This is a long process, but it's definitely worth it. | Submitted by Neto
You don't always have to send officers to City Hall's requests. Occasionaly during the day, City Hall will ask for a number of officers to do something for the Mayor. This can range from judging a Hot-Dog eating competition to protecting the Mayor whilst he goes for a walk. Note that if you answer this and send the (will most likely be 2) officers, you will lose those officers for that day and cannot use them until their next shift. The Mayor is a ******, but he's your boss. Every 5 days, you'll be able to request something from city hall, these include: A pay rise, improvements to your SWAT Team, An additional officer slot, and an additional detective slot. If you have a poor reputation with City Hall, then they will deny these requests every time (and occasionally cut your budget, meaning you'll have to fire officers - sometimes illegaly). But if you keep a good standing with the Mayor, you'll be able to have one or more requests accepted at the same time. By the mid game I was able to request one of everything and got accepted every time as long as I kept a great standing with the Mayor. | Submitted by Neto
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