Achievement | How to unlock
- A Huge Help From My Friends (10 points)
| - Complete a crossword with at least three other members of your team.
| - Earn five token awards or more in a single game.
- Community Leader (10 points)
| - In a multiplayer game, be the first to complete a word affected by a Community Hint bonus.
- Crossing words (10 points)
| - Score fifty bonus points from word-crossing with a member of your team.
- Crossword Addiction (5 points)
| - Complete ten daily crosswords.
- Crossword Insanity (5 points)
| - You had twenty puzzles running at the same time.
| - Complete a daily crossword.
- Et tu, Amicus? (10 points)
| - Lock a word's hint and get it completed by a member of your team.
- I Love Every Cat (10 points)
| - Duplicate at least a hundred points from a single word completed by a member of your team.
- Know ALL the Words! (10 points)
| - Fill a hundred words across multiple crosswords.
- Lord of the Words (5 points)
| - Earn at least six thousand points in crossword score.
| - Use each power-up at least once.
- Speed Wording (10 points)
| - Solve a crossword under five minutes.
- Stay Calm and Play On (10 points)
| - Fill a word that was affected by someone else's Bomb power-up.
- The Casual Crew (10 points)
| - Complete a casual crossword with four players.
- The Pro Party (10 points)
| - Complete a pro crossword with four players.
- The Standard Squad (10 points)
| - Complete a standard crossword with four players.
| - Earn a Platinum medal with your own team.
| - Complete a multiplayer crossword in first place.
- Word Domination (10 points)
| - Score a hundred and fifty points for a single completed word.