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Tachyon: The Fringe

Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Tachyon: The Fringe on PC

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Tachyon: The Fringe Cheats

In mission 54 in Sol (Investigate Mine Field), you can get Star Patrol to attack you. Make sure you have a fast ship and Tesla EMP missiles on it before you start this mission. After destroying all the mines, the pirates will appear. Disable Styx 1 with the Tesla EMP missle, and wait for Star Patrol. You may want to disable another pirate just in case. When Star Patrol arrives, target Enforcer 1 and disable it. Wait for all the non-disabled enemy ships to be destroyed. Note: Star Patrol will not attack the disabled ships. Then, shoot at Enforcer 1 until its hull is at 10 to 20 percent. Soon, the other Enforcers will turn on you. Your fast ship should be able to outrun the missiles that are shot at you, as long as you use afterburners. An alternate way to survive is to enable the quickening code. You also may need to enable the come get some code to do this trick.

The Chatter Cannon can punch holes in armor quicker than a laser. When used in combination with a beam weapon to bring down shields, it can take out an enemy quickly.

Bring up the command window by hitting [7] on the numpad, then type:

IM A CHEATER = Cheat Codes Enabled
ONE MILLION DOLLARS = Add 5000 Credits
DILITHIUM = Full Energy
THERE IS NO SPOON = Return to Starbase to Win
BOOM STICK = All Items Available
RAGTAG = All Ships Available
KESSEL RUN Enhance Ship

While on a mission or exploring the galaxy; be on the lookout for space debris. There are all types of space junk floating around. Specific free-floating crates can help fill your credit account if you know where to take them. Your ship's radar will not detect crates as long as your distance is within about 8.0. Take the indicated type of space junk to the listed location to trade it in.

Trade Goods: New Zurich Orbital in the Earth Sector.
Spare Parts: Drake Station in the Industrial Sector of the Hub Region.
Contraband: Arman Patrioli (to trade with him you must first find his missing handguns)
Mining Equipment: Apollo Research Station (only for Gal Span pilots)
Medical Supplies: Mercy Hospital Station
Lost Artworks: Baron Malkar

There is a crate filled with 1000 credits sitting between the station and an asteroid field directly below it in the Draconis Ripstar Field.. The bottom of the station is the side without the docking pad.

On the mission to destroy Cassitor's base in the Twilight region, fly close to the domes. One of them contains a crate of artwork that can be beamed aboard and sold to Malkar.

Enable the ragtag code. Before launching, sell the four most expensive ships (all except the Orion). When you select "Back", they will reappear, but you will still have the money from selling them.

There is a crate filled with 1000 credits sitting between the station and an asteroid field directly below it in the Draconis Ripstar Field.. The bottom of the station is the side without the docking pad.

On the mission to destroy Cassitor's base in the Twilight region, fly close to the domes. One of them contains a crate of artwork that can be beamed aboard and sold to Malkar.

Use the afterburners to accelerate to full speed, then hold Q. If done correctly, your ship will maintain its current speed and direction until the key is released without using any afterburner energy.

When flying the GalSpan, press [Pause/Break] to instantly recharge its Torpedoes or Deimos Heavy Laser.

Use the Slide function to get enemies off your tail or put some distance between you and capital ships while keeping them targeted. Hold Q or [Gamepad 4] to point your nose any direction while continuing on your original vector. This also helps you make faster turns.

Reverse course rapidly with the reverse thrusters (Z) and reverse afterburners ([Tab] + Z). These are difficult to use because they function quickly. A quick reverse is another way to shake an enemy off your tail and turn the tables on him. A combination of slide and reverse afterburners can be lethal once mastered.

When using afterburners, hold Q.

Press [Space] while the opening FMV sequence is playing. It will freeze. Once that has happened, press or hold [Enter] to see it in slow motion.

The Solaris Torpedo drains power from the ship to increase the strength of its warhead. The longer you hold the trigger before releasing, the more power it gets, however the more drain it will put on the engines and shields. Because it is unguided, it is difficult to use in fast and close dogfights. However it is powerful when used against larger ships and capital ship subsystems.

Use the afterburners to accelerate to full speed, then hold Q. If done correctly, your ship will maintain its current speed and direction until the key is released without using any afterburner energy.

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