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You have to finish the "magical forest" (first capture), including the quest that you are able to enter the second two maps ("Battlefield" and "Dark Ruins"). Within this two maps your can farm "Dark Skin" and "Parasitoid Wasp Stinger". These materials are used for the Armor (Legs) "Skin and Leather". You want this Item to have a "Regeneration" value of 90%+. This will makes you regenerate the amount of life (% value) of the dmg you took since the last time you attacked with that champion. The goal is to get a value as close as possible to 100% (100% is perfect) to make you regenerate all of your lost HP. The only weakness you have is get ONE-shotted / TWO-shotted( in case you skipped a turn). Otherwise you will regenerate your life easily. To make sure that you are not gatting ONE-shotted craft stamina items (Money Jinx) to boost your defensive rate and HP or push your levels for this site stats. Gold Farm Gear After you got your survivability with the "Skin and Leather" Legs you want to make your charakter able to farm as much gold as possible. To do this you need to have the following maps unlocked: Hot Spring Swamp Underground City To get this there are three items (weapon, head and chest) First Item is the weapon "Massive Shotgun". You can craft this with 12 "Maple Plank", 12 "Titanium Ingot" and 8 "Gall Shell" at the "Hunting Lodge". "Maple Plank" you can craft via "Maple Logs" from the maps "Hot Springs" and "Swamp". "Titanium Ingot" you can craft via "Titanium" from the maps "Hot Springs and "Underground City". "Gall Shell's" you can get from crafting at "Laboratory" from combine "Shell" (farmed on map "Swamp") and "Stomach Jelly" (farmed on map "Swamp"). The Gold per Hit value should be above 80+ Second Items you want to craft is the "Space Armor" You can craft this with 1 "Morph Leather" and 10 "Stomach Jelly" at the "Hunting Lodge". "Morph Leather" you can craft from "Morph Skin" from the Maps "Hot Springs" and "Underground City". "Stomach Jelly" you can get from the map "Swamp". The third item is "Wolf Hat" You can craft this with 3 "Leather of Disguises" and 3 "Solid Root" at the "Hunting Lodge" "Leather of Disguises" you can craft via "Morph Leather" from the maps "Hot Springs and "Underground City" and "Black Bile" from the map "Hot Springs" "Solid Root" you can farm on the map "Hot Springs". For all the three Items (Wolf Hat, Space Armor and Massive Shotgun) you want to have the maximum amount of GOLD PER HIT. Summary If you got your defensive Items (Skin and Leather and Money Jinx) combined with your Gold farm Items (Wolf Hat, Space Armor and Massive Shotgun") you should be able to farm farm about 3000 Gold per run, per group (depending on your gold per hit). If you feel like you need more power to progress because the boss enemy's are killing you feel free to exchange to gold farm gear to whatever you like. The pants will keep you alive in 95% of the cases if you got a decent roll (95%+) and if you are not a ONE-shot to any enemy. After you get a HP total from about 900+ and a "Skin and Leather" Pants with roll of 99%/100% you are most likely invincible. With increasing "Never-ending Adventure" (100+) you want your characters to be level 60+ be able to get further without any problems. and not putting down your gold farm Items.
And do you want to know what scores I got? 3x 1, 1, 1, I even tried it multiple times by savegamee scumming with the same result. TLDR of the previous paragraph: DON'T bribe the judges and DON'T bother participating in the contest while you are at 0 stars. Execution Here is what I found out and it is quite interesting. At a certain point you will get a quest in which you need to deliver an legendary (orange) amulet called "Beetle Assintant". As a reward you will get reputation. Sadly you can not buy the recipe in the fashion house. You need to find it in one of the following dungeons: "Hot Springs" "Swamp" "Underground City" Once you have it you will notice that it is a epic (purple) amulet, so use your best stamina character in orderr o have a chance of a legenday (orange) rating and build that bugger. When I completed the quest it catapulted me from 0 stars to 4 stars in an instant. So now when you do the competition again don't bother bribing the judges (unless you are after the "Speech master" achievement in which you need to learn all the preferences of ONE judge). What you need to do is look what the "Trending Color" is. Equip 3 of your guys with that color and don't mind anything else equipment wise. Only the trending color is important. Send them to the competition and get 1st and 2nd place easily. At 0 stars the game mechanic of "Trending Color" is not available. So you need to do the quest first in Order to increase your stars a bit to unlock it. Once you have done it, it should look like this: And there you go. Congratulations. You will be at 5 stars in no time and the "Fashion village" achievement will be yours.
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