Star Wars: Jedi Outcast
Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Star Wars: Jedi Outcast on PC |
Carin Bay: Fighting Luke Skywalker
Have Force Lightning ready, then open the door to where Skywalker is located. An intermission sequence will start. When it ends, immediately use Force Lightning on him and he will start attacking you or the Stormtroopers. Note: If done correctly, you should have him attacking you and the other Stormtroopers shooting at you simutaneously. If you take too long and you cannot use Force Lightning on him before he kills all the Stormtroopers, the Reborns will attack and Luke will not attack you as much. Change Desann's lightsaber
Enable the setforceall 10 code, then either go to the real Desann or a spawned one and use the Mindtrick on him. While you are controlling him, use the sabercolor code to change his lightsaber.
Note: This works with the setforceall 5 code or above and it not only can change Desann's lightsaber color but works on every Dark Jedi in the game. Circling lightsaber attack
Enable the setsaberthrow 3 code then bind the give force code to any key (for example, bind g give force). During game play, hold the saber throw key or mouse button and also the key that you bound the give force code. The saber should just keep circling to enemy after enemy. You can control enemy NPCs in single player mode for a limited amount of time. Enable the setforceall 9 code. You can now set the Force to anything above 3. Your Force Mind Trick is now at level 4. Use the Force Mind Trick on any enemy. It will get slightly dark and "Press jump to exit" will appear. If you press [Jump], it will not exit -- ignore the message. When playing Jedi (like Desann), they have infinite Force and you can use Force Push and Force Pull very fast. Note: The notarget code cannot be enabled for this trick to work.
When "Press jump to exit" appears during the jedi mind trick, you can actually hit the Jedi Mind Trick again -- it releases him instead of waiting fpr it to wear off. The setforceall 9 code is one of many you can do. Enable the setforceall 4 code and it also works. This code also improves saber offense (now at 4) and you will also have four fighting styles. Enable the setforceall 5 code to have five fighting styles. The two extra saber fighting styles are Desann's red strong style and Tavion's blue fast style. Enable the setforceall 6 code and you will still have the mind trick at 4 and saber offense at 5. Any number higher than 6 after setforceall has the same effect.
Enable the setforceall 5 (or a higher) code. Exit the console press [F4] to use the Mind Trick on an enemy. Instead of making them not see you, you can control them. This is very useful, as you can make them kill themselves by jumping off a cliff or having them shoot their friends. To exit this, press [F4] again.
Enter the setforceall 5 (or higher) code. Normally when you use it, you have control over your opponent for 30 seconds, or until you use the Mind Trick again to release him or her. Instead, hit whomever you want with the mind trick, toggle the console and enter setforceall 0. This takes away Kyle's Force powers, but you will be able to control your opponent as long as desired. To release him or her, get your Force powers back by entering the setforceall 5 (or above) code. When fighting an AT-PT, to easily kill it stand close to and in front of it with your lightsaber out. You will deflect all of its shots, while it is being damaged by your lightsaber. After about fifteen to twenty seconds, the AT-PT will be destroyed, while you will have taken no damage at all. Trap him in a corner then keep slashing him. This tactic may not always work, but it will make him weaker. Use Force Speed to move faster, then attack him with as many blows as possible.
Hide behind one of the pillars in the four corners of the floor. Desan will throw his lightsaber at you, but it will cut through the rock pillars and will fall on him, killing him instantly. Note: Use the invincibility beam in the center of the room first so his saber does not hit you.
Select Mind Trick for your Force weapon. When he shoots his lightsaber, block it away to the ground. Use the Jedi Mind Trick and attack him. He will be vulnerable for about five seconds.
Activate Force Speed when you are going down the ramp. Switch your lightsaber style to red and attack him. He will be moving very slowly, and you can kill him in two or three hits.
When you start the duel, you should be standing above Desann on a high catwalk above the pit. Do not use the ramp to go down to him. Instead, Force Jump as much as possible to land directly in front of Desann. At the apex (top height) of your Jump, use Force Speed and switch to fast style on your lightsaber. Then, start slashing away at him and hope that you kill him. To easily kill Reborns, switch you weapon to the Thermal Detonator and throw it at them. It results in a one hit kill about 80% of the time. Note: This only works on some Reborn; others that have stronger Force push them at you.
The simplest way to defeat dark Jedi and reborn enemies is to select the defensive (blue) lightsaber style. Face the enemy and crouch. Then, simply push forward and attack. Kyle will do a rising saber attack. This attack is almost unstoppable and rips enemies to shreds.
Use the following trick to kill Reborns, Reborn Masters, Jedi, and other Force users. Use Force Grip to hold them in the air, then throw your lightsaber at them to kill them. It is harder to do to some, but if you timed correctly you will hit them. This usually works best with Grip level 3 and Saber Throw level 3, but is still possible to do with the other levels. A way to kill Reborn or Shadowtroopers easily is to grip them, therefore turning of their sabers and lowering their defense. Then, quickly Saber Throw them. This should kill them in one hit and nearly always works.
After you defeat a Shadowtrooper, remember to take their Forcd Crystal. It contains a temporary Force boost that may be useful.
To get two Force Crystals from a Shadowtrooper, get a Distruptor Rifle from the NS or Bespin levels. Do not use it after you arrive at Cairn Dock1 (this is the first place you meet a Shadowtrooper). When you meet the Shadowtrooper, kill him. You will get a Force Crystal. Quickly change your weapon to the Disruptor Rifle, then shoot the maximum-powered shot to the dead body. You will get another Force Crystal. Push them using Force Push, then run up to them close enough that you touch them. Then, push them. Note: This will only work if they touch a wall.
When you are fighting Stormtroopers or Swamptroopers, use Force Push, then throw your lightsaber at the fallen enemy. This almost always kills them instantly.
To safely disarm Stormtroopers, use your Force Pull to pull their guns out of there hands.
Whenever you face Stormtroopers near an edge, you can push them off.
To easily kill a Stormtrooper, Force Push him so that he falls down. Then, run up and slash him as quickly as possible with your lightsaber while he is still down. This works well when they are trying to run away.
If you grip a Stormtrooper just right then let go, he will surrender and not attack anymore. Be careful not to grip him again, because he will attack you. Press [Shift] + ~ during game play in multi-player mode to display the console window. Type devmap to enable cheat mode. When the map loads, select your lightsaber, then holster it and type /thedestroyer in the console window.If you have Saber Defense to the top in Force powers, it is easier to kill enemies with lightsabers. Defend their blows and sometimes they will get hit and get killed.
When you get to the harder levels, you will find out that Dessan (Dark Jedi) had followed you to the Valley of the Jedi and was giving his fighters the power of the Force and created fake Jedi. You will have to fight these people throughout the game. If you do not want to waste your time fighting them, then use Force Speed. You will move incredibly faster than your opponent and can attack them while his lightsaber is going too slow.
After you get Force Grip, use it and Saber Throw to kill the "fake" Jedis. This take longer as you progress in the game, but it still works.
In the Deathstar in multi-player mode, go to the place where a metal pipe lines the floor and the ceiling (the pit area). On one side is a red monitor. If you go near that monitor a beam will fire, killing anything near the pit. You are safe in any hall.
To kill opponents faster, change your lightsaber mode to red (strong).
The following cheat can be done to anyone except Jedis that knows Absorb. Go near your opponent, then jump until you are directly on top of them. Look down and use Force Pull. You should see their body flying towards the sky besides you. After a few seconds (or minutes) you should hear some screaming see the dead body beside you. Note: Do this in an open space.
Once you obtain level 3 Force Grip, you can literally fling your opponents around like rag dolls. Use this power to smack them into walls, ceilings, drag them across the floor, or pull them into explosives that you have set. Another strategy is to toss them off a ledge into a bottomless pit, but you will lose their weapon.
If you are in an open area, grab an opponent with Force Grip, aim up, and release on the backswing to send them flying through the air for massive fall damage. If you use Force Push as you let go, you will maximize this damage as they will be shot even farther into the air.
Note: This trick works for non-Jedi enemies. When there is a group of enemies,jump over them and pull all of them up. If your Force Pull is strong enough, all of the enemies will be pulled up high and come crashing to their death.
Use the following trick against enemies with guns. Force Grip the enemy and while they are in the air, they will drop their weapon. When they hit the ground, they will either put their hands up, stand against a wall, or run away.
Grip an opponent and fling him in the air. Then use the Force Jump and push the person higher to get more fall damage. Note: This requires the setforceall 9 code.Effective lightsaber usage When facing an enemy, the best tactic is to first grip them (hold [F6]). While they are gripped, throw your lightsaber at them (hold the Right Mouse Button) The lightsaber will spin around inside the enemy, taking several hits while they are defenseless. This tactic kills even Desann in one shot. It might take a while to grip them, but when you get it, it is worth it. Note: This does not work on the Admiral Ackbar Droid. It helps to have the setforceall 9 code enabled.You can fight your Jedi allies in a duel. In the Yavin Courtyard, on the first Jedi fight, destroy the evil Jedis first. Then, face one of your allied Jedis and use Grip. Do not kill the Jedi. If done correctly, the remaining good Jedis will fight and chase you down.Fighting Shadowtroopers, Reborns, and Jedi friends When you reach the Yavin, any time you see a Shadowtrooper, Reborn, Jedi Trainer, or a Jedi, use Force Lightning then quickly get close and start to strike them. You can kill them faster if you have the red style. They will be in lightning for about three to five seconds.Flip attack for yellow stance Run Forward, jump, and attack at the same time. If done correctly you should flip and slash down. Note this may take some practice.Note: This requires Force Jump. Run straight towards a wall and jump (do not use Force) at it. When you get very close to the wall, hold [Up] and press [Jump] again. He will run up the wall and do a backflip. Note: This will also work in multi-player mode.Press [Shift] + ~ during game play to display the console window. Type helpusobi 1 or devmapall to enable cheat mode. Make sure you are at an open map. Then, enable the god and/or undying code. Then enter fly_xwing at the console. It does not crash the game as commonly thought. If you are closed in on something then, use up, jump, etc. The ship will be going very fast and is very difficult to slow down. Note: Do not use the noclip code because it automatically goes forward. You may have to enable the cg_thirdpersonrange 140(or higher) code to get a better view. To disable this effect type fly_xwing again in the console. It will return you to the default single player model.At the top of your jump, use non-Force jump. Note: This does not always work and may only work in some levels.Get in space in Doom Detention level There are places where you can be sucked into space and go to a certain death if you do not close the door. Enable the god code then get sucked out and you will not die. You can fight now enemy spaceships with your normal weapons. This is difficult, but it can be done. You can also spawn enemies for some weird space-battles where movement seems slightly abnormal.Enable the bind i taunt code. Take out your lightsaber and press I. When it starts spinning, run into a group of enemies.Hidden skins in multi-player mode The following are skins that cannot be selected at the pause screen, but are part of the game. Press ~ to display the console window, then type \model . The skin names are as follows:
reborn/boss (a reborn with a red/dark blue color scheme)
reborn/acrobat (reborn with a blue and black color scheme)
reborn/forceuser (the reborn in the picture at the pause screen)
reborn/fencer (reborn with a green color scheme).Press [Minus] to holster the weapon that you are currently using.Enable the g_lightning 90000 code. It will throw enemies straight in the air, then they will fall down and die.Intermission sequence rooms Enable the noclip code in any level. Use [Jump] to go through the ceiling. Look around the outside of the level for any room that is not connected. These are the rooms that the intermission sequences play out in. Inside will be all the bots that are in the sequences.Enable the god and setforceall 6 codes. On the Yavin courtyard after you get to the first set of dark Jedi and good Jedi fighting, look up just after you walk through the door on the glass walkway. You will see Desann. Use the Jedi Mind Trick and you can control him. Have him wait until the storm trooper kills the rebel on the walkway. Jump down with Desann and walk into the corner or by a door. Make sure the good Jedi do not see him or they will kill him. Disable the codes if desired and take care of the dark Jedi if there are any and fight Desann. He will use his "You dare to push me" line on you. Chop away at him and you will cut him down. Then, continue on with the level. For even more fun killing Desann, enable the g_saberrealisticcombat 9 code and chop to pieces. Go to the level where you ask Luke Skywalker to give your lightsaber back. Enable the no clip and setforceall 3 codes to go to his room by walking through a floor or wall, but not through the door. Then, while still under the no clip code, float far above him and use Force Pull to make him go flying up in the air. After a few times, he crash down and die. Alternately, you can also simply pull him near the entrance of his quarters; when the intermission sequence with him begins, he will be near his door instead of meditating at his window. Level 1: Get through the blast door To get through the blast door, activate the defense guns. After killing the Storm Troopers, get on the defense guns and shoot the blast door with the alternate attack. Note: The defense guns are activated upstairs and can only be accessed with the key an officer has. Press [Shift] + ~ during game play in single player mode to display the console window. Type devmap press [Space, and type the name of the level you want to play. If the level name has more than one word, put an underscore "_" between them, then press [Enter]. For example, to play the Bespin Streets level, type devmap bespin_streets and press [Enter].It is possible to view the complete list of files the game is using. Press [Shift] + ~ during game play to display the console window. Type dir to list all of the loaded files. If you want to list files of one specific directory, (for example, "music"), type dir music. If you want to list the files ending with a specific extension (for example, all files ending with .BSP in the "maps" directory), use dir maps bsp.In Kejim Base, go to the place where you open the window to break through. Enable the noclip code in the hallway and go through the wall to your left. You should see Mon Mothma, Jan, and Kyle with his lightsaber turned on. Note: This may require more than one attempt.Multi-player easy capture the flag win You have to be in a place with pits. Let the other players steel your flag, then use Force Push and push them off the edge. Your flag will disappear for about five minutes.For easy points in mutli-player mode, go to a place with narrow paths, like Warring Factory. Make sure you have full stats for Force Push. While playing, when you encounter and opponent just push them off the edge. You will get a plus one point to your score. This works well while playing in Team FFA.Multi-player Nar Shaada Crusher Enter the large room with the huge garbage compactor. There is a small area inside the compactor with Force Boon and a large shield. If you see anyone go in there, go to the outside of the front of the compactor and look at the little panel to crush them. This is very useful when your team is ready with the button, as you lure someone else inside.When using the npc spawn code to make an NPC appear, an extra word (or words) can be added to give the character a unique name. For example, to spawn a Stormtrooper named "Stormy", type npc spawn stormtrooper stormy in the console window. Stormy will act like a normal Stormtrooper, but is identified uniquely. Thus, using the command npc kill stormy will kill Stormy, and him alone. Another code that could be used in conjunction is control, as in control stormy, which functions like the high-level mind control. If there is more than one NPC with the same name, the control command will take control of the first one that was created, whereas the npc kill command will kill all NPCs with the same name.New lightsaber move for red stance: Strafe left or right (recommended) and keep pressing an attack. Kyle should swing his lightsaber to the right and his left hand should release his lightsaber.You can use your Force Push ability to push away almost any enemy projectile (laser blasts, rockets, metallic bolts, etc.). Note: This can be done from a sizable distance. For example, a Stormtrooper could be firing at you clear across the other side of the room and you can still push away the blasts.Press [Shift] + ~ during game play to display the console window. Type any letter and press [Tab]. You can press it about thirty times, and every time a new code will be displayed. Note: Some codes will crash the game.Sidestep into wall and run forward at the same time. Then, jump to run on the wall. You can also side flip by doing the same thing without running.Search for commands containing a particular string of characters You can use wildcards for the cmdlist (command list) and cvarlist (console variable list) codes to find a command that contains a given string of characters, not only when it begins with the given string. Just enclose your query in asterisks (*). For example, type cvarlist *saber* to find all of the console variables that have to do with the lightsaber. Type cmdlist *restart* to give you commands for restarting any of the modules of the game engine (such as vid_restart or snd_restart).At the shield generator, go to the dynamite on the top of green energy pipes. There is a large shield booster and a seeker drone. First, jump on the pipes you destroyed. Then, go to the edge of the pipe, jump flip to the next one, and repeat. Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] to skip any FMV sequence and to speed up credits that cannot be otherwise skipped. When you press this combination at a video (such as the one at the beginning of a new game where Kyle and Jan are in their ship going to the first level/planet), the game will automatically display four yellow periods, indicating that it was successful and the video will end. When this code is used at the ending credits, they will skip through at very fast speed, ensuring that you do not have to watch lengthy videos if you happen to start over. Unlimited Force in single player mode Bind your Force use key with the give force code. For example, bind f "+useforce;give force;". Start the game, and enter helpusobi 1 to enable cheat mode. Then, select the desired Force and press the bound key. This works best with Force Lightning.More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements
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