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Use the following trick to kill Reborns, Reborn Masters, Jedi, and other Force users. Use Force Grip to hold them in the air, then throw your lightsaber at them to kill them. It is harder to do to some, but if you timed correctly you will hit them. This usually works best with Grip level 3 and Saber Throw level 3, but is still possible to do with the other levels. When fighting the Reborns at the start of Chandrilla (after the bridge is blown up), lure them all to the bridge then jump over to the other side. Two of the Reborns will attempt to jump over as well, but will fall to their doom.
command and kill using the npc kill < character >" command alora alora_dual assassin_droid bartender bespin_cop bespincop bespincop2 boba_fett bobafett chewie chewie_cin chiss cultist cultist/brown cultist_destroyer (this character will suck in all surrounding force energy and self-destruct) cultist_drain cultist_grip cultist_lightning cultist_saber cultist_saber_all_throw2 cultist_saber_all2 cultist_saber_med_throw2 cultist_saber_med2 cultist_saber_stong2 cultist_saber_strong_throw2 cultist_saber_throw2 cultist_saber2 cultistcommando desann DKothos elder elder2 galak galak_mech glider gonk gran gran2 granboxer granshooter hazardtrooper hazardtrooperconcussion hazardtrooperofficer howler human_merc human_merc/key_carrier human_merc/racto human_merc_bow human_merc_cnc human_merc_flc human_merc_key human_merc_rep impcommander imperial imperial/commander imperial/officer imperial_worker imperialsaboteur impofficer impworker interrogator jan jan jawa jawa jawa_armed (will cause an error; no jawa gun) jedi jedi/j2 jedi/master jedi_hf1 jedi_hf2 jedi_hm1 jedi_hm2 jedi_kdm1 jedi_kdm2 jedi_random jedi_random (will spawn one of the following jedi_ models) jedi_rm1 jedi_rm2 jedi_tf1 jedi_tf2 jedi_zf1 jedi_zf2 jedi2 jedif jedimaster jeditrainer kyle kyle_boss lando lannik_racto luke mark1 mark2 merc merchant minemonster monmothma morgan morgankatarn mouse mutant_rancor noghri nulldriver player prisoner prisoner prisoner/elder prisoner/elder2 prisoner/merchant prisoner2 probe protocol (C3PO) protocol_imp r2d2 r2d2_imp r5d2_imp r5d2_npc ragnos rancor rax RaxJoris rebel rebel2 rebelpilot [Screenshot] reborn reborn/boss reborn_dual reborn_dual2 reborn_new reborn_new2 reborn_staff reborn_staff2 reborn_twin/boss rebornacrobat rebornboss rebornchiss rebornfencer rebornforceuser RebornMaster RebornMasterDual RebornMasterStaff rebornrodian reborntrandoshan rebornweequay reelo remote remote_sp rockettrooper RocketTrooper_ver1 rockettrooper2 RocketTrooper2Officer rocks rodian rodian/sp Rodian2 rosh rosh_dark rosh_penin rosh_penin_noforce roshpenin saber_droid saber_droid_training saboteur saboteurcommando saboteurpistol saboteursniper sand_creature sand_creature_fast seeker sentry shadowtrooper ShadowTrooper2 snowtrooper stcommander stofficer stofficeralt stormpilot stormtrooper stormtrooper stormtrooper/officer StormTrooper2 swamptrooper SwampTrooper2 tavion tavion_new tavion_new/possessed Tavion_scepter Tavion_sith_sword test trandoshan (different colors possible) trandoshan/sp tusken tuskenraider tuskensniper ugnaught Ugnaught2 VKothos wampa weequay weequay/sp Weequay2 Weequay3 Weequay4 (different colors possible) This is a list of all the vehicles you can spawn using the "npc spawn vehicle < vehicle >" command swoop atst_vehicle lambdashuttle rancor_vehicle swoop swoop_cin swoop_mp swoop_mp2 swoop_red tauntaun template tie-fighter tie-bomber tie-bomber2 wampa_vehicle wildtauntaun x-wing yt-1300 This is a list of all the items you can spawn usin the "Give < item >" command ammo_blaster ammo_emplaced ammo_force ammo_metallic_bolts ammo_powercell ammo_rockets ammo_thermal ammo_tripmine atst_main atst_side blaster blaster_pistol bowcaster bryar_pistol concussion_rifle demp2 det_pack disruptor emplaced_gun flechette jawa melee misc_atst_drivable misc_ion_cannon noghri_stick null rapid_concussion repeater rocket_launcher saber scepter stun_baton thermal tie_fighter trip_mine turret tusken_rifle tusken_staff | Submitted by yano509
You can do it multiple times to get as many characters as you want. | Submitted by yano509
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