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"oldcode" Displays the message "Debug 1" the first time and "Debug 2" if you type it again (not sure what exactly happens for either one). "happy" Displays the message "Open your heart" the first time and "Excellent meditating" if you do it again (it may include an effect). "from above" Toggles the top view camera perspective. "naughty naughty" Toggles the over-the-shoulder camera view. "perf" Toggles wireframe mode for the level and character models. "rex" Displays the message "Feel the power of REX" and toggles wireframe mode for the menus. "60fps" Toggles between displaying 60 and 30 animation frames per second (it doesn't actually speed up your frame rate, it just displays the animation faster) "but i feel so good" Displays the message "you're the guy with the force" and then "play nice" if you do it again. "perfection" Displays "Deadly force authorized" and then "Nobody's perfect" if you repeat. "slowmo" Enables the "Super Slowmo Mode", goes back to "Normal Mode" if you repeat it. "turntables" "The tables have turned". Displays "it was just a dream... or was it?" if you repeat. "i like to cheat" Gives you all the weapons with full ammo if applicable. "heal it up" or "give me life" Fills up your health to 100% (you can only use it up to 5 times per game). "where is gurshick" or just "gurshick" View the game's credits. "brenando" Shows the message "Tech bonus!". "i rule the world" Raises the difficulty level (equivalent to doing very well in the game). "i stink" or "i really stink" Lowers the difficulty level (equivalent to doing poorly while playing). "fps" Displays the frame rate and current screen resolution. "donttttt", "rrrrright", or "kill me now" Drain all your health. "drop a beat" Wobble vision. "iamqueen" Play as the Queen. "iamquigon" Play as Qui-Gon Jinn. "iamobi" Play as Obi-Wan. "iampanaka" Play as Captain Panaka. "beyond cinema" Toggles letterbox (cinema-style wide screen) mode.
NOTE: only do this when he is not on the bridge on top of the hole because it won't work | Submitted by Kane
Mawhonic stops talking and he will sound very much like he is singing.
passageway to the left, but will not go anywhere. He will just be running in place. After all the guards are dead, Qui-Gon will say "Look out! Take cover!", after which a thermal detonator will kill Jar Jar.
2)Defensive Move: Hold the attack key and back up. 3)Offensive Swing Followed by Block: Hold the attack key wothout moving. 4)Double Slash and Hand Roll Swing: While Moving forward, lightly tap the attack key 3 times. 5)High Donward Slash: Jump or flip into the air and lightly tap the attack key. 6)360 Swing: Hold the attack key while turning. Obi-Wan can also do this after a jump. 7)180 Swing: Jump into the air and press the attack key gently. Works best with Qui-Gon. 8)90 Swing: Press the attack key gently. 9)Uppercut:Lightly tap the attack key while moving backwards. 10)Rolling Slash: Jump off a high ledge that you can roll to land and lightly tap the attack key. I still can't master this as Obi-Wan. 11)Stab: The coolest and most difficult moves to master. Your target must be directly in front of and very close to you to do this. Walk towards the target and press the attack key 5 times. If the target hasn't moved away from the attack by the fifth time you attack, then you should spin 360 degrees and then drive your light saber into the enemy. This works as a one hit KO to every enemy except Darth Maul, Captain Neg's Ape, Jabba's Champion, and the guy who takes Anakin's ignition capacitor. There are plenty of other attacks that utilize the light saber, but the ones that are the coolest and most effective are listed above. | Submitted by Voyager763
receive more than one of what he offers.
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