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M01_KiraL1A.dsm M01_KiraL2.dsm M01_KiraL1B.dsm M01_SiskoL1B.dsm M01_SiskoL1A.dsm M01_WorfL1.dsm M03_KiraL2.dsm M03_KiraL1B.dsm M03_KiraL1A.dsm M03_SiskoL2.dsm M03_SiskoL1A.dsm M03_SiskoL1B.dsm M03_WorfL2.dsm M03_WorfL1.dsm M04_KiraL1.dsm M04_SiskoL1.dsm M04_WorfL1b.dsm M04_WorfL1a.dsm M05_KiraL1.dsm M05_SiskoL1b.dsm M05_SiskoL2.dsm M05_Siskol1a.dsm M05_WorfL1.dsm M05_WorfL2.dsm M06_SiskoL1B.dsm M06_SiskoL1A.dsm M06_SiskoL1C.dsm M06_WorfL1B.dsm M06_WorfL1A.dsm M06_WorfL1C.dsm M07_KiraL2.dsm M07_KiraL1.dsm M07_SiskoL1A.dsm M07_SiskoL3A.dsm M07_SiskoL1B.dsm M07_SiskoL2.dsm M07_SiskoL3B.dsm M07_WorfL3.dsm M07_WorfL2B.dsm M07_WorfL2A.dsm M07_WorfL1.dsm M10_KiraL2.dsm M10_KiraL1B.dsm M10_SiskoL2.dsm M10_SiskoL1B.dsm M10_SiskoL1A.dsm M10_WorfL2.dsm M10_WorfL1B.dsm M10_WorfL1A.dsm M11_KiraL1.dsm M11_SiskoL1a.dsm M11_SiskoL1b.dsm M11_WorfL1.dsm TrainingRoom.dsm Entry.dsm DS9_Ops.dsm DS9_Promenade.dsm The following are not level maps but are cinematic cutscenes which are rendered with the ingame engine. CM01a_SW.dsm CM01b_SW.dsm CM04_Lab.dsm CM05_Kira.dsm CM06_SW_Capture.dsm CM10_KiraL1A.dsm CM10_SWK_L3.dsm Cm11B_SWK.dsm CM11_LabRitual.dsm CM_ArdPrison.dsm CM_Defiant.dsm CM_Endcredits.dsm CM_GlobalSpace.dsm CM_SpaceStation.dsm CM_Worf_Endgame.dsm GCM11end_WraithObk.dsm After you've saved the DS9.ini file and started up the game, the map that you replaced title.dsm with will automatically load, bypassing the main menu. Once the level is loaded, all you have to do is hit ESC to access the main menu again.
"SET PLYR.DS9_[character name here] HEALTH 999" When I say [character name here], you must put in either SISKO, SISKOEVA (if he is wearing a spacesuit), KIRA, KIRAEVA (if she is wearing a spacesuit), KIRACARD (you'll know when to use this late in the game), WORF, or WORFEVA (if he is wearing a spacesuit). The actual number "9999" can be any positive number up to 9999999999 or so.
"set plyr.ds9_siskoeva jumpz 1000" OR "set plyr.ds9_sisko jumpz 1000" depending on which level you are on. This cheat code varies depending on the level being played (sometimes the "eva" suffix is required, sometimes it isn't), but if you try them both, one is sure to work on any given level. One final note on Health/Jump increase cheats: they are dependant on which character you are using. The above assumes you are using Sisko but if you are using Kira or Worf you must replace "sisko" with "kira" or "worf" in the "set plyr.ds9_sisko" line.
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